The MINT Service Desk administrator is able to log in on the same page as all the users. The system will lead you to the default administration panel ‘Dashboard’ where you will find some general information like the number of active agents, latest updates, etc.


If you click on “Profile” it will lead you to the section where you can change your personal data.


It works almost the same as for Agent or Client, with one exception.

AS always it is not possible to change the “Login”, but the Administrator user is the only user who can change the ‘Email’.


On the right side of the user “Picture”, you will also find a QR code for MINT Mobile app configuration. Once you have configured your MINT Service Desk system you can use this QR code to automatically configure your MINT mobile app (if you already downloaded and installed it on your mobile device). Below “Picture” there is “Personal details” section with admin personal data.

Next section is “Password change” with fields where password change is possibe. There is also a tip about password policy according to Password Policy configuration in Admin > Settings >User.


At the bottom part of the ‘User profile’ view, below the section ‘User settings’ you will section with additional information that can be created and managed in Admin > Companies > User fields. By default, there is nothing, here, but once you create some fields there (‘User fields’), you (and all of the users) will see them here.



After successful login to the admin account, you will see a Dashboard view that contains some general information such as:

  • number of Assets, Tickets, and Agents,

  • number of Agents currently used within your Subscription type,

  • Agents who are currently on-line and using the system,

  • latest Tweets from Twitter to be up to date with latest changes and updates,

  • the status of Mint SD configuration, which needed to be done before you started the proper work with the system. If you missed any of the steps you will notice that in this place.


One thing worth explaining in more detail is the ‘Configure your Service Desk’ section. During your first login to the Mint Service Desk system, you had to follow some required steps like e.g., creating an Agent account.

In the ‘Upgrade’ section you can see the available features. ‘Synchronize feature flags now’ this button is used to synchronize the current settings with the License server.

If you have missed any of those steps, right here you will notice that – there will an empty check-box on the right side. If you want to go to the particular place in the system the missed position refers to, just click on that position on the list. The system will direct to the right place.


In this part of the MINT Service Desk system, you will find the tools that will help you configure Users and their roles or allow you to set up some additional information for any kind of user.


In this place you will be managing your Users.


If you want to create a new user, you need to click on the image307 button, located on the right side of the search box.

Once you do that you will be moved to the ‘Create user’ form, where you need to put in some information regarding the new user. Depending on the role you choose for that user, he will be later shown on a different tab (Agents, Company users, or Administrators).


With every user, you can do a couple of things. One of them is that you can Activate/Deactivate the user. Deactivating means that the user account will be locked, and he will not able to log in.



You can also change the user Role. Just click the image311 and in the next window change the role for the desired one. Please remember that, if you want to change the role from Agent type to e.g., Company user or Administrator type, you first need to unselect the current chosen one. In the following example, we have an Agent with the ‘Service Desk Agent’ Role.


If we want to change it and grant the user a Company user type role, we need to unselect the ‘Service Desk Agent’ role and switch the tab to ‘Company users’.


In this place, you need to choose and select one of the available Companies and one of its roles and click image578. Once you do that the user will disappear from the ‘Agents’ tab and be moved to the ‘Company users” tab.

If you like to add or change some information about the specific user, you can click on the image445 button. It will direct you to the ‘Edit user’ screen containing information about the user you just choose.


Now, make any changes you like and click the image578 button.

User annonymization

From this place you can also annonimize user data (if admin set this in “Settings” => “Users” section). Annonymization makes user data unreadable, randomizing values as “Login”, “Email” “Name”, “Last Name” and deleting “Second name” and “Phone nubmer” data in these fields. After clicking on this button you have additional step to confirm


When you confirm it, data will be annonimized. User cannot use his account from now



In this section, you will be able to add new and manage already existing Agents Roles.


In order to add a new Agent Role, click on the image307 button, located on the right side of the search field. It will open an ‘Add role’ window.


Right here you need to name your new Agent Role and decide what type of actions you want to allow this agent to make.

You can choose and allow an agent to do one or more things:

  • Change user assigned to ticket – means that an agent will be able to change the company user assigned to the ticket.

  • Edit company user details – means that an agent will be able to change the basic company user data in the ticket view.

  • Edit company – means that an agent will be able to change the Company assigned to the ticket.

  • Edit asset user – means that an agent will be able to change the user assigned to the asset.

  • Edit asset company – Allows changning of company assigned to asset.

  • Edit asset categories – Allows changning of categories assigned to asset.

  • Edit asset agents – Allows changning of agents assigned to asset.

  • Report creator – allows to define reports.

  • Remove ticket – after selecting this option, the agent having this role will be able to delete tickets.

  • Assign company user to company – Allows agent to assign company user to company.

  • Manage companies – Allows agent to manage companies.

  • Manage users – Allows agent to manage users.

  • Work time coordinator – Allows to manage work time reports.

  • Manage contracts – Allows agent to add, modify and manage contracts.

Once you finish click image578 button.

If you like to add/change anything later for the role, you can use the image445 button.

If you want to get rid of any Agent role on the list just click image343 and confirm your choice by clicking YES on the confirmation screen. You will also be informed that role will only be deleted if it is not used in the system.


If you want to export your roles settings, you can click on image1037 button and simply export it to .csv or .xlsx file



In this section, you will be managing the additional fields that might contain additional information for every type of user.


In the Mint Service Desk, each user has some pre-defined fields which are used for holding some information such as ‘First name’ or ‘Phone number’. That information is available for viewing in the ‘Profile’ part of the system.

If you click on the round icon (or round picture if you have uploaded one in your profile) it will open a dropdown menu. Click on ‘Profile’.


In the ‘Custom field’ section you can create an additional group of attributes for filling up (or selecting) with even more information. Those additional attributes will be later visible in the aforementioned ‘Profile’ section, at the bottom part of the view.


Let us create some. First, you need to create a group for those attributes. Click on the ‘Add group’ field and type some name.


Press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard to confirm the name. Once you do that a new field ‘Add attribute‘ will appear on the right side.


Now, add some attributes. First, in the ‘Add attribute field’ type a name and confirm it with ‘Enter’. On the right side, you will see a new field ‘Attribute type…”. Select one type from the dropdown list. You can also select a ‘MultiChoice’ check-box to allow selecting/adding more than just one Value later in the User profile view.


If you want to rename any of already existing elements just click on its name, make some changes, and click Enter.

If you want to remove anything just click on a trashcan icon image328 located on the right side. In the new window, you will be asked to confirm the action.

You can add plenty of attributes for the group. In the following screen, you can see a finished group with some important attributes already prepared.


Now, if you move to the ‘User profile’ section, at the bottom of the view you will see those additional attributes.



At this point in the system, you can perform user integration via Azure AD or LDAP. To do this, press the image307 button.


In the Name field, enter the name you want displayed on the list of all integrations. In the Definition field, select LDAP or Azure AD from the dropdown menu.

To complete the first configuration process, press the image578 button.

Then return to the list with all available users integrations and edit the configuration of interest.


  • Azure AD Client/LDAP Client - Here, select the option you configured in Authentication Backends from the dropdown menu.

  • User name - user name of the person to integrate.

  • Password - password of the person to integrate.

  • Search filter - In the case of LDAP, you still need to add a search filter.

After entering the correct data, press the image895 button. When the page reloads, press the image896 button. If the configuration is correct, an appropriate message will be displayed. The next step is to press the image897 button. After refreshing the page, a new entry will appear in Synchronizations.


It is worth remembering that the page will be updated only when the page is reloaded. When you enter a particular sync, you will see a summary of how the sync went.


At the very top, progress, the date the sync was performed, the result of the sync, and the sum of all operations along with successes and errors appear.


The Access Groups feature is a place where an administrator or agent can manage the scope of access of agent roles according to companies assigned to ticket. To be able to manage access, a company must be registered in the MINT system in the Companies section.


There are two types of groups

First are automatically created by the system. We cannot modify their name or delete them in this section. These include:

  • Unassigned user group - this is the default group for tickets that do not have a company assigned to them

  • User - for each agent, its access group is automatically created here

  • Company - for each company, its access group is automatically created here

The second type is groups created by the Administrator or Agent. They are defined in the Type column as ‘Group’, and we can modify their name and description, as well as delete them.

We can both include and exclude each group to another, however we cannot assign other groups to Company and Unassigned user group. You can also assing one agent group to another.

Create a group

To do this, click on the image307 button located in upper right part of window and you will see new window like below


Fill al least the “Name” field and press image578. New group will appear on the list


We can image445 name of this group and image343 it.

Group view

Let’s describe some more here. Enter the group (for example Mint Agent) by clicking on it


You see new window with image1072, image1073 and image1074 buttons located in upper left side. In the centre you see a table with colums, where included or excluded groups will be shown. You can easily modify view of these columns by image441 button located upper right.

Include group

To do this, press the image1072 button. You will see group list.


You can select as many of them you want. After selecting press image578. Groups will appear in table.


To remove group from table, press the image1072 again, uncheck selected gruops you want and press image578.

Use example

There are two companies in the MINT system: A and B. We want the Mint Agent user (who is in the agent role) to only have access to Company A tickets. We therefore assign the group of company A to the Mint Agent group. in result, the agent can only see the tickets of company A, assuming agent has permissions to the appropriate queue and ticket type.

Exclude group

Press the image1073 button. You will see group list.


You can select as many of them you want. After selecting press image578. Groups will appear in table.


To remove group from table, press the image1073 again, uncheck selected gruops you want and press image578.

Use example

There are three companies in the MINT system: A, B and C. We want the user Mint Agent to have access to a group created from these three companies. Next we want to exclude company C in Mint Agent group. We therefore first create a group with the example name “Company Group” and add Companies A, B and C to it. We assign the “Company Group” to the Mint Agent group and next we exclude Company C. As a result, the agent sees Company A and B tickets, but does not see Company C tickets (assuming he also has permissions to the appropriate queue and ticket type).

Export groups

By image1074 you can easily export group list to .csv or .xlsx format



If you provide support to many customers from different companies, in this section you are going to manage them.


In the ‘Company manager’ part you will see the list of all the companies that have already been configured. Mint Service Desk has one pre-defined company at the start. You can, of course, change its information.


If you want to create a new company, simply click the image307 button, located on the right side of a search box. It will open a ‘Create new company’ form.



In this place you can type some basic information about the company: ‘Name’ (required), ‘VAT ID’, ‘Address’, and description. You can also add a logo/picture – just click on the gray box ‘upload logo’.

Once you finish click on the image578 button. The screen will be refreshed and you will notice that other tabs (‘Roles’, ‘SLA’, ‘Company users’) have been unblocked. Also on the right side, you will see a new block with some additional attributes (if you created them in Companies > Company fields).


Now, while being in this part of the system, you can do a couple more things.


The first one is that you can create a company ‘Role’.

To do that, just go to the ‘Roles’ tab and click on the image307 button. It will open a small window where you need to type the name for that new role and click the image578 button.


That role can be later selected for a particular user under ‘Role management’ available e.g. in the Agents > Agents or Companies > Company manager > Company users parts of the system. It will be explained later in this guide.


In the next section called ‘SLA’, you can manage your SLAs and add/remove any of them. Normally, once you created a new company, this tab will be empty and you have to add a new SLA.


If you want to add any SLA you need to click on the image517 button. Once you do that, on the right side a new section ‘SLA Details’ will appear.

Now you need to click on the ‘SLA name…’ field and select one of the already existing SLAs from the dropdown list. If you’re adding second/third etc. SLA to this company you will see that some positions on the list are dimmed and you cannot add them.


Select one that is available and click image578.

If, on the other hand, you don’t want to use any of already existing SLAs, you can create a totally new SLA in this place.


Just click the image307 button and a form for creating new SLA will be loaded.


The whole process of creating and managing SLA (and also Services, Priorities and Parameters) is described in ‘Services’ part of this guide.


In the ‘Edit company’ view normally the last tab ‘Company users’ is empty (if you just created a new company). To see any customer here, you need to grant some users the correct role (customer role) among those available for this company. Only once you do that (for example, as mentioned a moment before, in the Settings > Users) you will see a customer here.


Now you will be able to do a couple of things. You can Activate/Deactivate the user. Deactivating means that the user account will be locked and he will not able to log in.



If you want to change the user role click the image311 button and in the next window (‘Role management’) change the role for the desired one. Please remember that, if you want to change the role from Customer type to e.g. Agent or Administrator type, you first need to unselect the current chosen one.

In the following example, we have chosen a Company ‘Mint Service Desk’ and available for this particular Company Customer type role: ‘Customer’.


If we want to change it and grant the user an Agent type role, we need to unselect ‘Customer’ and switch the tab to ‘Agents’. Take notice that one you have unselected ‘Customer’ the Agent tab became available.


In this place, you need to choose and select one of the available Companies and their roles and click the image578 button. Once you do that the user will disappear from the ‘Customers’ tab and be moved under the ‘Agents’.


In the MINT Service Desk, we have some fields pre-defined where you can add some information about each company. Those are: ‘Name;, ‘VAT-ID’, ‘Address’’ and ‘Description.

In the ‘Custom fields’ part you can create an additional group of fields for filling up (or selecting from the list) with even more information.


Those additional fields will be later visible in the ‘Company Manager’ section in the ‘Edit company’ view.


Let’s add some new fields. First, in the default view of the ‘Company fields’, you need to create and name a new group (for example ‘ Contact’). Click on the empty field ‘Add group’.


Type some name and press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard to confirm the name. Once you do that, on the right side you will see a new field ‘Add attribute’.


Now, let’s add some attributes. First, in the ‘Add attribute’ field type a name and confirm it with ‘Enter’. On the right side, you will see a new field ‘Attribute type…”.


Select one type from the dropdown list. You can also select a ‘MultiChoice’ check-box to allow selecting/adding more than just one Value later in the Company details view.


You can add plenty of attributes for the group. In the following screen, you can see a finished group with some important attributes already prepared.


Now, if you go to Companies > Company manager section and click on image445 button on the right side of the company, you will see those additional attributes on the right side of the ‘Edit Company’ view.



In this part of the system, you will be managing the users. By default, the view will be set to the ‘Company users’ tab and you will see the list of all company users.


If you want to create a new user, you need to click on image307 button, located on the right side of the search box. This button is available for you in three tabs of the Users section: ‘Agents’, ‘Customers’, ‘Administrators’. You won’t be able to create a new user while being in the ‘Unassigned’ tab.

Once you do that you will be moved to the ‘Create user’ form, where you need to put in some information regarding the new user. Depending on the role you choose for that user, he will be later shown on a different tab (Agents, Customers, or Administrators).


With every user, you are able to do a couple of things. You can Activate/Deactivate the user. Deactivating means that the user account will be locked and he will not able to log in.



You can also change the user Role. Just click the image311 button and in the next window change the role for the desired one.


Please remember that, if you want to change the role from Company user type to e.g. Agent user or Administrator type, you first need to unselect the current chosen one. Only then the other tabs inside ‘Role management’ will be unblocked.

Once you change the role and click image578 the user account will be moved to a different tab (in the ‘Company users view), depending on your choice.

One last thing worth mentioning is that when you save the account without any role chosen, it will be moved to the ‘Unassigned’ tab.



The queues in MINT Service Desk are “containers” of tickets. You can define your queues based on resolution teams, departments, logical units, processes, and workflow interaction teams. In order to define your queue structure and have it configured you will have to use functions available in the “Queues” section.


As you already noticed, the default view will show you the ‘Queue structure’ tab. The second one is ‘Queues permissions’.

Queue structure

At the bottom of this view, you will find one button image319. It is used for creating and adding a new queue to the structure. Once you click on this button a new position will appear right below the last one already existing.


Now, you only need to type the right name for this queue and either hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard or click on the image321 button.

Once a new queue has been created, you can do several things with it.


The first one is that you can add a sub-queue by clicking on the image307 button and adding a sub-queue in the same way as you did it with the main queue.

Each queue that also has sconub-queues will be displayed by default with those sub-queues hidden. In order to see them, you must expand the queue by clicking on image324 button. Then you will see the queue along with its sub-queues just like on the following screen.


If you want to change the name of any queue, just click the image326 button, change the name, and hit ‘Enter’ or click the image321 button.

To delete a queue, click on the image328 button, and in the new window click ‘Yes’.


Remember that you can always change the position of each queue and sub-queue in the structure. To do that just click the image330 button next to the position you want to move. Now, while holding the Left Mouse Button just drag and drop this position to the plane you want it to be. Releasing the Left Mouse button will put this position in the newly chosen place.

To assign parameters to queue, click the image748 button. In the new window select one of the parameters available from the list and click on the image578 button.

To create new parameters click on image749, fill in the required fields (Parameters name, Calendar, Response time, Resolution time) and any other if you want, then click on the image578 button.


For each queue and sub-queue, you can configure ‘auto-responses’. Those are the automated messages that will be sent by the system in the Ticket Details communication section.

To do that, click the image331 button. In the new window select one of the auto-responses available from the list and click on the image578 button.


The detailed information on how to create custom auto responses will be described later in this guide, in the Tickets > Templates section.

To configure the default agent assigned to the queue click the image813 button.


From the drop-down list, you can select the default agent. Now you can decide when this agent will be assigned. To do that you only need to check one (or both) of available options: ‘Created new ticket’ and ‘Queue changed’.

To configure the default signature, press the image919 button. After pressing this button, a modal will be displayed with the signature selection.


In the ‘Preview’ field, the admin can select a signature of interest and preview what the selection will look like. (Signature creation is found later in the documentation under ‘Signatures’) When the admin has decided which signatures he wants to assign to a queue he selects them in the ‘Queue signatures’ field.

To configure the ticket counter, press the image920 button. After pressing this button, a dropdown menu will be displayed with the ticket number selection. (Ticket number creation is found later in the documentation under ‘Ticket number counter’) After selecting an interesting counter, confirm the action by pressing the image667 button.

Last, but not least, you can configure the queue description by clicking on the image815 button


In ‘Value’ field enter the description text and click the image667 button to apply changes.

Queue permissions

The second tab is the place where you manage rights for viewing or editing Ticket information within a particular queue and sub-queue.


If you want to change rights, first you need to select one position from the list of available General types of roles. They can be e.g. ‘Agent Roles’ (if you have more than one created in the Agent Roles section) or ‘Company Roles’ (located in Companies > Company users section, separately for each company in ‘Role management’ > Company users tab.

After you do that, from the second list you need to select a particular type of Role for which you want to change the right.

The screen below shows the situation when we’ve decided to select ‘Agent roles’ and then one particular role: ‘Service Desk Agent’, which means that we will be able to change the rights for this particular role.


Now we can change the rights by selecting some check-boxes located on the right side of each queue.


There are two types of rights in the Mint Service Desk:

  • Read – allows the user only to view the content of the Tickets on a queue

  • Update – allows the user to make changes in the content of a Ticket on a queue. For example, Agent will be allowed to answer the client (to create a message in the communication section, change the ticket parameters).

  • Create – allows the user to create tickets. The user can have Create but not Update and Read rights.

Please notice that when you select the ‘Read’ it will be selected, but the ‘Update’ will not be selected.

However, when you select ‘Update’ it will also select ‘Read’. Update means that you can view and change the content of a Ticket.

Once you finish making the changes, you need to click image578 button, otherwise, when you try to leave this part of the system it will inform you that you have some unsaved changes.

In this section, you can configure the whole structure for Tickets. Step by step you can create, edit or delete: ‘Ticket types’, ‘Groups’ (of attributes), as well as single ‘Attributes’ along with their values. You will also set custom Statuses for your Ticket Types and unique Ticket number pattern.


In this part of the system, you can customize the structure for Ticket Types as well as change rights for viewing or making any changes to ticket types or their attributes.


It is the default view when you go to the ‘Types’ part of the system.


At the bottom of this view, you will find one button image801. It is used for creating and adding a new ticket type to the structure. Once you click on this button a new position will appear right below the last one already existing.


Now, you only need to type the right name for this queue and either hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard or click on the image321 button.

If you want to change the name of any already existing ticket type, just click the image326 button, change the name, and hit ‘Enter’ or click the image321 button.

In order to delete a ticket type, click on the image328 button, and in the new window click ‘Yes’.



The second tab is the place where you manage rights for viewing or editing Ticket information. You can do this separately for each Ticket Type you currently have.


If you want to change rights, first you need to select one position from the list of available General types of roles.


They can be e.g. ‘Agent Roles’ (if you have more than one created in Admin > Agents > Roles section) or ‘Company Roles’ (located in Admin > Companies > Company Manager section.


After you do that, from the second list you need to select a particular type of Role for which you want to change the rights.


The screen below shows the situation when we’ve decided to select ‘Agent roles’ and then one particular role: ‘Service Desk Agent’, which means that we will be able to change the rights for this particular role.


Now we can change the rights by selecting some check-boxes located on the right side of each Ticket type.


There are two types of rights in the Mint Service Desk:

  • Read – allows the user only to view the content of the Tickets

  • Update – allows the user to make changes in the content of a Ticket. For example, Agent will be allowed to answer the client (to create a message in the communication section)

Please notice that when you select the ‘Read’ it will be selected, but the ‘Update’ will not be selected.

However, when you select ‘update’ it will also select ‘Read’. Update means that you can view and change the content of a Ticket.

Once you finish making the changes, you need to click image578 button, otherwise, when you try to leave this part of the system it will inform you that you have some unsaved changes.


Mint Service Desk includes the feature “Statuses”. It helps you to create different states for your ticket types. Normally the defined processes for each ticket type also include different stages or status, sometimes they use the same states but also sometimes they are totally different, especially in ITSM where the status for Incident Management or Problem Management is different.


If you want to create some statuses first you need to choose the Ticket Type they will be connected with.


Once selected you need to add a couple of new statuses by clicking on the ‘Add new’ button.



Now you have to name each status by adding ‘Value’ (any text) and select ‘Status type’ from the available list. At any moment you can add new status – just click the ‘Add new’ button. To delete any of the positions use the image328 button.

For each status, you can also select a custom color. Click on the image404 button to open a small window where you can choose a desired color from the palette.


Now repeat that for each status and as a result, you will have colors for each status.


Those particular colors will be visible for Agent and Client in the ‘Dashboard’ view, on the list of tickets, in the ‘Status’ column.

One of last thing in this part of the system is that for any of the statuses you can select ‘Stops SLA resolution time’ and ‘Stops SLA update time’. It means that when a Ticket enters this particular status (either automatically or manually when an Agent changes the status) SLA timer for this ticket (if there is a Service along with SLA attached) will be stopped. For example, if a status has the checkbox ‘Stops SLA resolution time’ checked


and the status of the ticket is changed, then the resolution time counter will stop


The last option is the ‘Exclude for UI’ checkbox. Checking this option means that the given status will be hidden from the available options on the ticket preview.


Once you finish, in order to save your changes, use the image578 button.

When the button to save is pressed, the option to specify workflow statuses will be unlocked.


This configuration indicates that you can only go from open status to InProgress status. From InProgress status, you can switch to Pending, Closed and ReOpened.


In this part of a system, you can add and manage all of the priorities which can be added to SLA rules.


If you want to change the name of the priority press the image326 button. If your priority needs a description, you can add one by pressing the image815 button. By pressing the image944 button, you can assign the appropriate priority to the ticket type.

At the bottom of this view, you will find one button image501. It is used for creating and adding a new priority to the structure. Once you click on this button a new position will appear right below the last one already existing.


Now, you only need to type the right name for this queue. If you want to delete the name of the parameter you’re creating, click on the image503 button.

To delete any of the positions use the image328 button on the right side.

If you want to save your changes, make sure you are done with everything and use the image578 button located in the bottom right corner of the view.

Changing the order the priorities are displayed is done in the same way as it was in the Queue section. Just use the image330 button and move (drag & drop) the desired priority to the new place.



In this place, you can set up your unique Ticket number pattern.


The ticket number is built from a couple of parts, which you can easily change:

  • Name: This is where the admin enters the name of the ticket number format

  • Count from: This field shows at which number the countdown will start, which is configured in the Ticket number counter tab

  • Counter name: In this field, the admin selects one of the options created in Ticket number counter tab. A preview of the selected option can be found in Count from

  • Prefix: a unique identifier for your company, for example for Mint it can be MT or MINT

  • Date format: means date when the ticket was created, for example in year/month/format

  • Tickets counter size: means how long the ticket counter should be. Please take notice that this number will be incrementing from 1 to xxx (the newest ticket) and it will not be reset each day. When you notice that the pull of available numbers is close to ending you can change it simply by changing the value of the Ticket counter size.

In addition to these three fields, you can add two more by selecting them from the list and then clicking image916 button. Additional fields:

  • Pin: In this field you select how long you want the pin to be. The possible length starts at 4 and ends at 10. These numbers are a random number.

  • Separator: Here you can add a separator consisting of three values. There can be special characters like ‘/’, ‘-’, ‘|’ etc. You can add up to 6 separators to your configuration.

When you make too many changes and want to go back to the default settings just press the image842 button.

Also, at any moment you can look how the Ticket number would look like. Each time you make any changes it will be changed in real-time to show you the final result.



This section of the system shows all created Ticket number counter. To add a new counter, press the image307 button.


Two fields must be completed on this view:

  • Name: This is where the admin enters the name of the ticket number format

  • Count from: In this field, the admin determines at what number the request number will start counting down.

To complete the counter configuration, press the image578 button.



Here you can customize the whole structure for Ticket Types along with its groups of Attributes and single attributes.


By default, the content of each Ticket Type is hidden and you only see the Ticket type name.


If you want to see the full content of a Ticket Type you need to click the image356 button, located on the left side of the ticket type name.

Ticket types

You can create different ticket types like “Question” or “Complaint”, ‘1st level of support’ and also types for ITSM processes like: “Service Request”, “Incident”, “Problem” and “RFC” (Request For Change).

To add a new Ticket type just click on the empty field ‘Add ticket name’, type the desired name, and hit ‘Enter’ on your keyboard.


You can also look for a specific Ticket type by using the search field. Just type the name of the ticket Type you’re looking for and hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard.


To select a service, press the image887 button. Then the whole list of services will be displayed, just select one of them.

To expand services on a ticket type press the checkmark next to ‘Expand Services lists’.

Effect before selection:


Effect after selection:


You can now restrict the field for the service of your choice by clicking on the image890 button and selecting the appropriate service.

If you want to rename already existing ticket Type just click on its name, make some changes and click Enter.

If you want to remove it just click on a trashcan icon image328 located on the right side. In the new window, you will be asked to confirm the action.



Click ‘Yes’ and the Ticket Type will be removed. Remember that deleting a ticket type means also deleting all custom Groups of attributes and single attributes that you have added to this Ticket type.

For each ticket type, you can also select a custom color. Click on the image404 button to open a small window where you can choose a desired color from the palette.


Now repeat that for each ticket type and as a result, you will have colors for each ticket type.



Creating and editing groups works almost the same as it is for Ticket types. In order to create a new group click on an empty field ‘Add group’ and type the desired name.


Now click enter on your keyboard. Try to save the changes by clicking image578 on the right side of the screen. You will see information saying “Group must have at least one attribute”. Before you’ll be able to save a group you need to create at least one attribute.


To change the name of the group just click on it, type a new one, and accept the change by clicking enter.

To remove the group use the trashcan icon image328 on the right side. Please notice that along with a group you will delete attributes that are inside this group.


Those fields are called attributes that you will use to add detailed information for your tickets. Each group must have at least one attribute. Without it, you won’t be able to save a new, fresh group.


Adding and modifying attribute name as well as removing the whole attribute works the same way as for ticket types and groups.

However, after typing and accepting a name for the attribute you will have to choose attribute type, decide if you want to be able to search by this attribute in the list of tickets (‘Search filter’ check-box) or be able to select more than one value of the attribute (‘Multichoice’ check-box).


MINT Service Desk includes a lot of different types of attributes. While selecting ‘Attribute type’ you can choose it from the long list.

The available types are “Pool”, “Integer”, “Date”, “Real Number”, “Text”, “Relation”, “Date Scope”, “Num Scope”, “Geolocation”, “Text Area”, “Attachment”, “Radio”, “Checkbox”, “Label”, “Hypertext”, “Existing” “Subscribed Receiver”, “Regex”, “Dictionary”, “Relation Asset”, “Relation Contract”, “Relation Company” and “Relation User”



With ‘Pool” you can create more than one (as many you want) small groups of attributes.

For example: if you want to be able to add additional information (Place of the incident and incident description) about more than one incident, you can add a new attribute, rename it to ‘Description’ and mark ‘MultiChoice’, then select ‘Pool’ from the list of available types.

Now add two attributes, name them ‘Place of the incident” and ‘Impact level’ and as a type choose ‘Geolocalization’ and ‘Text area’.


Now if the user (Agent or Client) will see the following attributes allowing to add incidents description one after another.


To add another (second/third etc.) incident just click the image370 button and a new empty page will be opened allowing you to type those attributes once again but this time for the second incident. You can also delete any of them with the image371 button.

If you want to move between those ‘incidents’ use the navigation options image372.



This type allows you to enter an integer number which is the number without fractional components. For example, 1, 6, 77, and not 1.2, 6.5, 7.6.


This type allows you to enter an date. The value will be displayed in the format “”. If you do not want hours and minutes in your date field then press the image380 button and check the “No Time” checkbox.


This field allows you to enter a real number which is the number wit fractional components, for example, 1.44 or 23.95.

If you want your number to have more numbers after the decimal point, for example, 5, then press the image380 button and enter the number you want in the step field.


With ‘Text’ you can create a simple field where you can add some text (however with limited space to show). Remember that, unlike when using the ‘Text area’, you will only have one line available for your typed text to be displayed.



With “Relation” you can create an attribute related to a Ticket type or Asset Category.

If you add a ‘Relation’ type attribute while creating the structure for Ticket Types (Admin > Tickets > Custom fields > Tickets structure) you will have to select one from already existing Ticket Types.


If, on the other hand, you add a ‘Relation’ type attribute while creating the structure for Assets categories (Admin > Assets > Assets definition > Assets structure) you will have to select one from already existing Assets categories.


Also, while doing that, you can select one of two available types of relations:

  • One to many

  • Many to many


This type of field allows you to create a date range like: “Date from” and “Date to”. You can specify each of those dates with a simple calendar.



This type of field allows you to choose a value from the defined range.


You won’t be able to save any changes until you specify all of the information: minimum and maximum value, as well as a ‘Step’. To do that click the image380 button. Now, in the new window define those values and click image578.


After you do that a user (Agent or Client) will be able to select one particular value from the value range with a 1by moving the selector to the left or right.



This type of field allows you to define locations by longitude and latitude. The user (Agent or client) needs to type the name of a place in ‘Address’ field and enter the longitude and latitude in the following boxes.


Example, I want to write down the address to Los Angeles:


Then he will be able to either click on image375 to be directed to Google Maps webpage with information about this location.



With ‘Text Area’ you can create a large field where you can add some text - more than just one line. A text area can hold an unlimited amount of text.


Also, you can enlarge this field, just grab the right bottom corner and drag it down.



If you want to attach an attachment to your application you can do so in the Attachment field. The initial extensions are: pdf, doc, docx, odt, rtf, txt, jpg. If you need more extensions then it can add it at the press image380 button.


The radio field consists of a true/false selection.


Remember that you can only select one option. It is not possible to select true and false at the same time.


This field is used to add a checkbox type field to the configuration. By default, this field is unchecked. If you want the checkbox to be checked from the very beginning you can change this by pressing the image380 button.


If you need a separation between two custom fields then use the Label field.


If you need a different font size then press the image380 button. You can choose from these sizes: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24.


In this field you can store any kind of hyper text like URL, Path and others. Any text you write in this field will be converted to hypertext.

Type any text in field:


and you will have it in format like below


You can click on hypertext and will be redirected to specific page (if exists).


This field inherits all properties and value from another custom field in the ticket type that field belongs. To do it, the attribute that we want to inherit must have selected checkbox “Shared”.


Let’s make an example. We want to make attribute with type: “Existing” and inherit attribute properties like on picture above.

First create new attribute named for example “Existing” and choose correct type. The new field “Pattern…” appear


Click on it and you will see the list of available attributes (with “Shared” checkbox selected) that you can inherit


Choose the attribute you want from the list and save. Your existing field has from now the same attribute type and the same values. In our exmaple, Existing attribue has “Dictionary” type with “Computer types” dictionary assigned. If Agent or Customer will change any data in one of this field in ticket details and save, the other field will also iherit the changes, like on picture below


You can choose any other attribute types like “text”, “date” etc.


This field is used to subscribe to a particular application. This field consists of two fields Language and Email address.


In the former field, you select which language you want the notification to be sent in and in the latter field you enter the subscriber’s email so that he/she will receive the notification.

Remember that for the field to work you must add the ticket.subscribed.reciever field to the selected notification in the Receivers field.



With this type, you can choose one of the regexes defined, and then while filling the value it has to match the regular expression defined in the selected regex.


For example, if you choose ‘email’ Regex, a user (Client or agent) will have to type the correct email address.


This option refers to the dictionaries which can be added and configured in the “Dictionaries’ section. It takes a value from a predefined list of elements like a list to show in a dropdown field.


In the following example, we have chosen a custom-made ‘Software types’ Dictionary.


Now the user (Agent, Client) has to choose the desired position from the list. He is able to do this either while creating a Ticket in ‘Create new ticket’ view (if he chooses a ticket type that has a ‘Dictionary’ type attribute) or (if he has the appropriate rights given by the admin) in ‘Ticket Details’ view. Also, you can do this as well when creating (or editing) an asset if the Dictionary type attribute is attached to the selected Asset category.


This field is used to determine the relation to the asset. After selecting this field as in the case of a regular relation, it is possible to choose between two:

  • One to many

  • Many to many

Then, in the Pattern field, you select what you want the relation to be for.


This field is used to determine the relation to the contract. After selecting this field as in the case of a regular relation, it is possible to choose between two:

  • One to many

  • Many to many

Then, in the Pattern field, you select what you want the relation to be for.


This field is used to determine the relation to the company. After selecting this field as in the case of a regular relation, it is possible to choose between two:

  • One to many

  • Many to many

Then, in the Pattern field, you select what you want the relation to be for.


This field is used to determine the relation to the user. After selecting this field as in the case of a regular relation, it is possible to choose between two:

  • One to many

  • Many to many

Then, in the Pattern field, you select what you want the relation to be for.


The second tab is the place where you manage rights for viewing or editing Ticket information. You can do this separately for each Ticket Type you currently have.


If you want to change rights, first you need to select one position from the list of available General types of roles.


They can be e.g., ‘Agent Roles’ (if you have more than one created in Admin > Agents > Roles section) or ‘Company Roles’ (located in Admin > Companies > Company Manager section.


After you do that, from the second list you need to select a particular type of Role for which you want to change the rights.


The screen below shows the situation when we’ve decided to select ‘Agent roles’ and then one particular role: ‘Service Desk Agent’, which means that we will be able to change the rights for this particular role.


Now we can change the rights by selecting some check-boxes located on the right side of each Ticket type. Please notice that you can also select/remove right for each Attribute as well.


There are two types of rights in the Mint Service Desk:

  • Read – allows the user only to view the content of the Tickets

  • Update – allows the user to make changes in the content of a Ticket. For example, Agent will be allowed to answer the client (to create a message in the communication section)

Please notice that when you select the ‘Read’ it will be selected, but the ‘Update’ will not be selected.

However, when you select ‘update’ it will also select ‘Read’. Update means that you can view and change the content of a Ticket.

Once you finish making the changes, you need to click image578 button, otherwise, when you try to leave this part of the system it will inform you that you have some unsaved changes.


This feature is not available in the free version. To have access to this feature please purchase the Enterprise version.

In this part of the system, you can configure conditional attributes.


To add a new conditional attribute, you must press image307 button. When the button is pressed, the user will be taken to the conditional attribute configuration form.


  • Order - This field specifies the order in which actions should be performed. The conditional attribute with the smaller number will be executed first. This field takes integer values.

  • Name - This is where the user enters what their configuration should be called.

  • Description - Here the user can enter a description of the configuration.

  • Stop after match - When the user checks this box then if the conditional attribute is satisfied then the system will stop there and will not search further.

  • Category - This is where you select your ticket type.

  • Dependent - Here you select a dependent field that will appear or disappear depending on the choice made in ‘Action Type’

  • Action Type - This is where you specify what should happen after matching. There are two options to choose from ‘Visible’ and ‘Hidden’. If the user selects ‘Visible’ then initially the field selected in ‘Dependent’ will be hidden until the conditions specified below are met. The ‘Hidden’ option works exactly the opposite.

  • Matching conditions - At this point you have a choice of two options ‘And’ and ‘Or’. If you choose the ‘And’ option, all conditions must be met. If you choose the ‘Or’ option, only one condition needs to be met.

  • Dependees - In this field, you choose which field to take into account when appearing or hiding the field selected in ‘Dependent’.

  • Logic operator - In this field, you have four options to choose from: ‘Equals’, ‘NotEquals’, ‘Contains’ and ‘NotContains’.

    • Selecting the ‘Equals’ field means that it must equal ‘Value’.

    • Selecting the ‘NotEquals’ field means that it must be different from ‘Value’.

    • Selecting the ‘Contains’ field means it must contain ‘Value’.

    • Selecting the ‘NotContains’ field means it must not contain ‘Value’.

  • Value - Here you enter the value that must be met.

  • Stop after match - If this box is checked and there is more than one condition the system will not search further once one condition is met.



In this setting, initially the ‘Int’ field is hidden but will appear if the ‘Description’ field is equal to ‘Problem’.

If you want to add another condition, you can press image915 button.

To complete the configuration process, press image578 button.

At the top of ‘Custom Fields’ tab you have an option to export settings.


This function allows you to save your settings to a file csv or xlsx file.


It is useful if you want for example to verify, if someone suddenly deleted part of settings (or whole structure) by mistake. Other fuction is to verify, if any major updates of Mint system or your database did not affected to ticket type structure.

You can easily export settings by clicking image983 button to export basic structure, or by clicking image984 button to export Ticket Type Permissions


In this section, you can view, create, edit, or delete all of the Templates available in the system. As mentioned before, a template is built from components (created in ‘Components’ sections).

Templates can be used for many cases: emails (e.g., confirmation of new account), auto-responses (e.g. inside Ticket communication section), or even predefined messages which can be used by an Agent to speed up his work.


You can add as many templates as you like, along with all of your common answers and replies that you always use with your customers, etc.

Mint Service Desk has some already pre-defined templates for you to choose from.

If you want to create a new one, just click on the image307 button and you will be moved to the “Create template’ form. Always remember that before moving to create a new template you need to create the needed components (in ‘Components’ section).


In the “Create Template” view you need to fill the “Name” (required) and add some “Description” if you like.

Once you do that you need to select components from which your Template will be built. You can select four components: ‘Subject’, ‘Header’, ‘Body’, and ‘Footer’. ‘Body’ is required, the others are optional.


Sometimes you should use more than just the ‘Body’ component while building your Template. For example, when you’re creating an email template (e.g., for Email confirmation message) you should use the ‘Subject’ component in addition to ‘Body’. ‘Header’ and ‘Footer’ would also be great.

After selecting the components, you need to choose one of two available ‘Template types’. Those are ‘System’ and ‘Custom Response’.


Select “System” for templates which the system will send automatically based on some activity.

If, on the other hand, you want to have a predefined template that your agents will use to manually answer your customers choose the “Custom Response” type.

Once you finish save your changes by clicking image578 button.

After creating a new template, you can always either change anything in it (image445 button) or even delete it from the system (image343 button). Deleting the template does not delete any components which were used in that template.


In this section, you can create template components from which you will later build whole templates e.g., ‘Thank you’ message sent by the system right after creating a Ticket.


Each template is built from a couple of types of components. In this section, you can predefine those components that you will later use in the next section.

MINT Service Desk has four types of components: “Subject”, “Header”, “Body” and “Footer”.

To create a new component, you need to click on the “Add new value” button.


Now, in the ‘Create template component’ view you need to name your new component (‘Component name’) and choose a type (“Subject”, “Header”, “Body” or “Footer”).


In the ‘Content’ section you can build the content of your component. You can use the Rich Text editor to give the desired format to your content. Also, you can add additional dynamic fields, which will automatically be filled with data from the system the moment the template (with this particular template component) will be used.

To do so, click the scissor button located right below the ‘Content’ section and from the dropdown menu select and add the dynamic fields you need.


Once you finish just click the image578 button.

Remember that after creating a new component you can always either change anything inside it (image445 button) or even delete it from the system (image343 button).

By creating a set of components and later templates you can automate a lot of your work. That’s why you should always remember to use the right names to easily manage and handle many components.


In this place, you can add Document templates in the form of external files to the MINT Service Desk system. Later, as an Agent user, you will be able to add those templates in the ‘Ticket Details’ view.

The default view shows the list of already uploaded Document templates.


To add a new Document template simply click the button.


Now, in the ‘Create document template’ put some name (‘Name’) for your template then select the Queues. Depending on your choice your template will be available to use only for tickets created in or moved to those Queues. If you want, you can also add some description (‘Description’).


Now you need to add an external file which contains the prepared Document template. MINT Service Desk only supports one file format: .docx.

To create such a Document template, you need to use external software e.g., Microsoft Word or any other which can save the file in .docx format.


While creating a template you can (and you should) use special placeholders. For example, if you use “{{Company}}” later in the system, when an Agent use such template the “{{Company}}” will be replaced with the Client’s Company Name.

For the purpose of creating a Document template, you can add the fields below.



Location/used in




Ticket Details

Date of creating a ticket .pdf preview.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket name/title.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket number.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket owner’s name – a person who created the ticket.



Ticket Details > Details

Company name of the ticket owner.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket current status.



Ticket Details > Details

A person (Agent) assigned to the ticket.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket Queue name.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket type name.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket priority.



Ticket Details > Details

Name of the chosen Service for the ticket.



Ticket Details > Details

Ticket age (in hours or days).



Agent/Client Dashboard

The exact date when the ticket was created.



You can also use Custom Field template snippet from Tickets and Users section. Schema for creating this snippet looks like below:




To create snippet for “Desktop” and “Laptop” attribute, You need to write it like that: {{Hardware:Desktop}}, {{Hardware:Laptop}}.

Remember that if You have the same group name and atrribute name in Users and Tickets, MINT will use value from Tickets Custom Field in snippet.

Below you can see how a prepared template document should look like.


Placeholders are written in blue.

Now, when you have such a Document template ready you can upload it to the MINT Service Desk. In the ‘Files’ part click on the ‘Click to attach file’ field.


In your system’s file explorer find, select and add your custom-made Document template. Once you do that you will see a file miniature in the ‘Files’ part.


If you want to delete the file and add a new one you can do that by clicking the X button located at the top right corner of the file’s miniature the moment you move your mouse cursor over it.


Once you decide that everything is in order click image578 button. After that, you will notice a new position on the list of available Document templates.


Now Agent can use it while communicating with a Client, inside the ‘Ticket details’ view. It was already described in the Agent > Ticket Details part of this guide.


This is where all the signatures created are located. To create a new signature, press the image307 button. The user will be taken to the signature creation form.


Two fields must be completed at this point:

  • Signature name - In this space, enter what you want the signature to be called.

  • Content - Enter the content of the signature in this space.

Remember that you can enhance your captions with custom fields, bold, underline, etc.

After completing the fields, press the image578 button.


Here you can configure what setting the queue or ticket type should have.

For example, if you want a ticket with a specific queue to reopen after receiving a new article when there is a ticket closed, you can do it here.

After entering this tab, a list of all available configurations will be displayed.


To start the process of creating a new configuration, press the image307 button.


The configuration is divided into two segments. In the first segment, complete these fields:

  • Message element - Here you choose whether you want the configuration to apply to the Queue or Ticket Type.

  • Operation type - Here you select the type of operation.

  • Element value - Here you choose which value you want the configuration to apply to. The list depends on the selection in the Email element.

Below this configuration, there are two options to choose from:

  • All conditions are met - This option means that the configuration will work when ALL conditions are met.

  • One of the conditions is met - This option means that the configuration will work when AT LEAST one condition is met.

There is a image370 button in the lower right corner of this segment. Pressing it allows you to create another configuration condition.


This setting means that the configuration will work when the queue is “Q1” OR Ticket Type is “T1”.

The second section includes such fields:

  • Order - Here you enter a number. This value indicates in what order the configurations will be executed. The configuration with the smaller number will execute first.

  • Name - Here you enter the name that the configuration should carry.

  • Reopen when closed - Checking this option will cause that when the ticket is closed and a new article falls in then the ticket will change its status to ReOpened.

  • Reopen on pending close - Checking this option will cause that when the ticket is on Pending Autoclose and a new article drops in, the ticket will be reopened. When the time is up and the ticket is closed then the ticket will not reopen.

  • Block closed ticket - Checking this option will block the closing of the ticket.

  • Stop after match - If this box is checked and there is more than one condition the system will not search further once one condition is met.

This is what a simple configuration looks like:



The next section of the Admin Portal is “Services” where you can create and manage your Contracts, Contracts Types, Services, Calendars, SLA parameters.


In this part of a system, you can add and manage all of Contracts, including parameters, calendars, and priorities.


In order to start adding a new Contract, you need to click on the image307 button, located on the right side, next to the search field. You will see that a new section has been opened.


At first you can choose “Enable contact” to set it as acvite contract and making the possibility to assign it to the specific ticket. Now you need to type a name for your Contract (‘Contract name’). You can now complete the description, select the company (Mint Service Desk has one company pre-defined) and service. Then you must select at least one Contract types.

Checking the ‘Enable without company’ checkbox will allow you to activate the contract without specifying a company.

Checking the ‘Enable for all company’ checkbox will make the company selection box disappear because the contract will be available for all companies.


You can also add a new one by clicking on the image307 button on the right side. It will open the same window that is presented in the previously described ‘Services’ section while creating a new Service.


If you want the service to be required when creating the ticket, select ‘Service is required’ checkbox.

Once you selected or created a service you can add some ‘Priorities’ that will be available for the tickets related to this Contract. Those priorities will be available to choose from on the ‘Create new ticket’ screen. Also, priorities can be created and managed in the ‘Priorities’ section of the system, which will be described soon in one of the chapters.

The last thing you can add to your Contract is ‘Parameters’. You can either select one available from the list (if you already created any in the ‘SLA parameters’ section of the system) or click on the image307 button on the right side. It will open a new window where you can create your new parameters for the SLA.


The detailed process of creating Parameters will be explained in the ‘SLA parameters’ section of this guide.

When you finish, just click on image578 button.


The process of configuring ‘Contracts Types’ is identical to configuring, for example, Users/Custom Fields or Ticket/Custom fields (but without the section related to permissions).


If you select a preconfigured Contract Type when configuring a contract, new fields will appear on the right side.


Contract Period

You can set the period of time that contract will be available to choose in ticket details.

Hours per month

You can set here, how much time per month can be reported in contract. This field is related with “Spent time” field in ticket details. When you set the time in “Hours per month” and save, you will see additional information about time



In this part of a system, you can add and manage all of your Services.


In order to start adding a new Service, you need to click on the image747 button. You will see that a new section has been opened.


Now you need to type a name for your Service (‘Service name’). It is required (field is marked with *). If you want you can add some additional description (optional).

You can also select Ticket Types and Default queue for which this new service will be available for choosing. When you finish, just click on the image578 button.

If you want to make some changes in already existing Service, you can do it by clicking on the image326 button. If you want to delete any of the services, just click on the image328 button.

If you want to add a new ‘child’ service to the main service you need to use image307 button. Once you click on this button a new position will appear right below the main service.



In this part of the system, you can create ‘Calendars’ – a weekly period definitions for e.g., support windows for your customer. Those calendars can be later added for each SLA parameter set. Please check the Services > SLA parameters part of this guide for more info.


In order to add a new calendar, you need to click image307 button and you will go to the ‘Week definition’ screen along with the ‘Details’ section on the right side.


Let’s start with the ‘Details’ part. Right here you need to type the name for your calendar (‘Calendar name’) and choose a ‘Time zone’ – the one that is correct for your location. You can also include some ‘Exclusions’ (more than one) in case of Holidays/National days etc. when your support windows might not be available for your customers.


Now, in the main section ‘Week definition’ you can start adding support windows for each day of the week.

You can select a single one-hour slot just by clicking on the chosen slot. It will open a small window where you can change the starting and ending hours, or even the starting and ending day.


If you’ve changed your mind and want to delete this time slot, just use image343 button. If you want to cancel the changes you made (before saving them), hit the image489 button.

Once you finish you need to click the image578 button.

You can also select a bigger time slot than just one-hour. Just click on one place and, while holding the Left Mouse Button drag the mouse cursor in any direction (vertically and horizontally).

Once you release the Left Mouse Button, the selected area will be marked, and you will see the beforementioned window. By doing that you can, in one move, select for example 5 days (Monday – Friday) support window within the same hours.


If, while being in this newly opened window, you change Starting/ending hour or Starting/ending day and hit image578 button, the window will be closed, and the previously selected area will be updated according to the changes you made.

If you want to make some changes in already created and saved time area you can do in two ways.

The first one is that you can click on the image493 icon located in the bottom right corner of each separate time area and while holding the Left Mouse Button change the size of that time area.


The second one is that you can always click on any of the time areas and the previously mentioned window will be opened allowing you to choose time ad day range.

When you decide that everything is as it should be (‘Details’ data and support windows on ‘Week definition’ section) you can click on the image454 button. A new calendar will appear now on the calendars list.


If now you will decide you need to make some adjustments to the time slots, click on the image445 button and you will be moved to the calendar edition view.

If you decide that any of the calendars is not needed anymore, you can get rid of it by clicking the image343 button and confirming your choice by clicking YES in the confirmation windows.



In this part of a system, you can add and manage all of the SLA parameters which can be added to any of the SLA (in the SLA section, while creating or editing an SLA).


In order to add a new set of parameters, you need to click on the image307 button, located on the right side, next to the search field. You will see that a new section has been opened.


In this place, you need to type the name for your set of parameters (‘Parameters name’) and select a ‘Calendar’ from the list. If you don’t see any Calendars available, you need to create at least one in the Calendars section.

The second, very important thing, that needs to be done here is setting an ‘Escalation times’. You can add more than one Ticket Type and Priority for which Escalation times will be used.

For each Escalation time you need to specify 4 levels of reminders:

  • Response time: the time during which the Agent must respond to the new ticket. Time stop when Agent respond to ticket or when Agent has been automatically assigned after status change

  • Update time: the time within which the Agent must answer to any new message after the communication has been started. Time is counted separately for each message and is reset by Agent or Customer article, depending on checkbox setting: “Reset update time after agent response””

  • Workaround time: the time used to determine the workaround time (the time within which the Agent must find workaround solution for issue that Customer reported in ticket). Workaround time stop when ticket status change to “Workaround”

  • Resolution time: the time (counting from the moment that ticket has been created) within which Agent must resolve the Ticket.

You can also add more Escalation times by clicking the image479 button.

In every of those 3 abovementioned escalation times, you must specify the moment when the Agent (or any other person you choose) receives a notification that “time is running out” for an Agent to make an action.

For example, 10 % 240 min means that 24 minutes from time start (10% of 240 minutes) an Agent will receive a notification.


The first field (10 %) means a percentage of the whole time available for the agent. The second field (240 min) specifies the whole time an agent must make a specific action before the timer ends and SLA conditions will not be fulfilled.

If you want to send the notification for more than one person you can also add more positions in the ‘Select notification targets…’ field. You can also set the system to send up a notification for people with specific Role or even send a notification to everyone assigned to the chosen queue.


At the very bottom, the Force Escalation option is available.

In the first field, select the type of escalation. There are four options to choose from:

  • Response time

  • Update time

  • Resolution time

  • Workaround time

In the next field, enter a number from 0 to 100, which indicates after what percentage of time you want force escalation to activate.

In the third field, specify how many times the customer will be able to escalate the ticket.

Example configuration:


This example shows that the user will be able to escalate the request five times after 50% of the response time has elapsed. (50% of 120 is 60, so after one hour the customer will have this option available.)

When you finish, just click on the image578 button to complete the process of creating SLA parameters.



On the top right side of the Agent portal, on the bar menu, you will find ‘Create Asset’ that allows you to create new assets.


Once you click on this button, you will be moved to the ‘Create asset’ view.


Now, you need to put in the required information (marked with *): “Name” and select the right “Category”. If you want you can also add a detailed “Description” or even some attachments (pictured, .pdf files, etc.).

As an Admin, you can assign the asset to a particular agent or company user. For example, a mobile device used by one of your agents.


Once you fill up all the information, click on the image454 button.

The ‘Create asset’ view will be refreshed, and you will see that some additional fields have been created on the right side. Those are additional attributes available for the chosen Category of Assets. They can be created and managed by you in Assets > Assets definition part of the system.


Once you add that additional information, you can update the asset by clicking on image578 button.


This is the place, where all of the assets in the system are managed. Right here, you will find the list of all your assets, as well as the possibility to make any changes in any of them.


Right here you can filter those assets by ‘Categories’ or by ‘Period’ (time period when assets have been added). If you want to reset active filters, just click on the image432 button. You can also remove any selections (Categories, Filters, Attributes chose values) by clicking on image433 or image434 button right next to each position.

You can also use some more advanced filters. In the lower part of the view, you will find (depending on chosen ‘Categories’) additional sections. Those filters will be visible only if you check the option ‘Search filter’ while creating Asset structure (Assets > Assets definition > Assets structure).


Click on the image437 button in order to see the whole list of available filters.


Now you can select one or more filters, for example CPU Model. If you do this the list of results will be refreshed.


Those filters are basically for attributes of the assets from selected categories. You can select more than just one of them and each time you select another one the result will be refreshed.


If you want to see some more information on the list of assets (more columns) just use the image441 ‘Set column properties’ button. It was already described in the earlier parts of this guide.

Also, if you want, you can look for specific assets (for example by asset’s name) by using the section “Search” field. Whatever you type here will be searched for, depending on the things you marked in the ‘Search by’ section of the ‘Set column properties’ window.


In order to see the Asset information just click on its name. You will be moved to Asset details view.


From this view, you can move to ‘Edit asset’ view. Just click on the image444 button.

If you want to export asset into pdf file press image752 button.

To print the QR code, press image929 button. After pressing this button, you will be transferred to the print view. In the file will be the QR code and the information configured in Settings > General > Assets.

If you are curious what the history of the selected asset is, press image930 button. After pressing this button, the user will be taken to a table with a list of changes.


If this information is not enough, there is a button image932 next to each change that, when pressed, will display more details below the changes.


If, on the other hand, you need to access ‘Edit asset’ right from the ‘Asset management’ list simply use the image445 button on the right side.



To delete asset, while being on the main ‘Asset management’ view press image343 button located on the right side (right next to ‘Edit’ button. Then confirm the operation by clicking the ‘yes’ button.


If the asset is related to any of the Tickets in the system you will find it on the list once you click the image448 button while being inside ‘Edit asset’ view.


As an Admin you can change all of the attributes and information including the asset ‘Categories’. What’s most important you can add or remove a user in the ‘Assigned users’ part. If you remove a user from this place, the moment he tries to view the Asset he will receive the information that his access right has been changed.



In this part of the system, you can customize the structure for Asset Categories, Groups of attributes, and single attributes with their values. Also, you will change the rights for viewing or making any changes to the aforementioned.


First is the ‘Assets Structure’ tab, where you can customize the whole structure for Asset categories along with their groups of Attributes, single attributes, and their values.


By default, the content of each Ticket Type is hidden, and you only see the Ticket type name.


If you want to see the full content of a Ticket Type you need to click image356 button, located right on the left side of the ticket type name.



You can create different Asset Categories like “Hardware-phones” or simple “Software”. To add a new category just click on the empty field ‘Add category’, type the desired name, hit ‘Enter’ on your keyboard, or press the ‘Save’ button.


If you want to rename already existing Category just click on its name, make some changes and click Enter.

If you want to remove it just click on a trashcan icon image328 located on the right side. In the new window, you will be asked to confirm this action.


Click ‘Yes’ and Category will be removed. Remember that deleting a Category means also deleting all custom Groups of attributes and single attributes that you have added to this particular Category.


Creating and editing groups works almost the same as it is for categories.

In order to create a new group, click on an empty field ‘Add group’ and type the desired name.


Now click enter on your keyboard. Try to save the changes by clicking image578 on the right side of the screen. You will see information saying, “Group must have at least one attribute”. Before you’ll be able to save a group, you need to create at least one attribute.


To change the name of the group just click on it, type a new one, and accept the change by clicking enter.

To remove the group, use the trashcan image328 icon on the right side. Please notice that along with a group you will delete attributes that are inside this group.


Attributes are the fields that you will use to add detailed information for your assets. Each group must have at least one attribute. Without it, you won’t be able to save a new, fresh group.

Adding and editing attribute name as well as removing the whole attribute works the same way as for categories and groups.

However, after typing and accepting a name for the attribute you will have to choose attribute type, decide if you want to be able to search by this attribute in the list of assets (‘Search filter’ check-box) or be able to select more than one value of the attribute (‘Multichoice’ check-box).


MINT Service Desk includes a lot of different types of attributes. While selecting ‘Attribute type’ you can choose it from the long list.

The available types are “Pool”, “Integer”, “Date”, “Real Number”, “Text”, “Relation”, “Date Scope”, “Num Scope”, “Geolocation”, “Text area”, “Alert Date”, “Attachment”, “Radio”, “Checkbox”, “Label”, “Regex”, “Dictionary”, “Relation Asset”, “Relation Ticket”, “Relation Contract”, “Relation Company”, “Relation User” and “SubscribedReceiver”


Those types of attributes have already been described in the Tickets > Custom fields > tickets structure part of this guide.


If you change the default tab and switch it to second one: “Assets Permissions“ you will be able to select a specific user and grant him or remove his rights to Read (View) or Update (which means not only Update but Read as well – it will also be selected) any of the Asset categories, Assets themselves and their Attributes.


In the first field, you need to select one position from the list of available General types of roles. They can be e.g., ‘Agent Roles’ (if you have more than one created in Agents > Roles section) or ‘Company Roles’ (located in Companies > Company Manager section, separately for each company in ‘Role’ part of the company’s details).


After you do that, from the second list you need to select a particular type of Role for which you want to change the rights.


Below you will also find a ‘Search category…’ search box, where you can type the name of the category that you are looking for, without the need to scroll the whole list.


There are two types of rights in the Mint Service Desk:

  • Read – allows the user only to view the list of assets from a particular category and their details

  • Update – it gives the same rights as ‘Read’ but also allows the user to make changes in the content of an Asset in a category. For example, Agent will be allowed to change the name of the asset or change its attribute’s values.

Please notice that when you select the ‘Read’ it will be selected, but the ‘Update’ will not be selected.

However, when you select ‘Update’ it will also select ‘Read’. Update means that you can view and change the content of an Asset.

If you want to change the rights for the whole Category you can select the ‘Read’ and/or ‘Update’ checkboxes located right next to the Category name.


You can also change the rights for selected attributes. To do so, select checkboxes located right next to the attributes that you are interested in.


Once you finish making the changes, you need to click image578 button (located on the right side of the view), otherwise, when you try to leave this part of the system it will inform you that you have some unsaved changes.


In this part of the system assets can be integrated with Lansweeper. To do this, press the image307 button.


In the Name field, enter the name you want displayed on the list of all integrations. In the Definition field, select Lansweeper from the dropdown menu.

To complete the first configuration process, press the image578 button.

Then return to the list with all available asset integrations and edit the configuration of interest.


The configuration is similar to Users Integrations, which was described earlier under Users/Users Integrations.



As was mentioned before, the definition of each ‘Dictionary’ attribute type along with its values, can be done here.


You can add/delete or modify Dictionaries and their values. Later such a dictionary will be presented for the users in the form of the dropdown list, where the user can select one (or more if ‘MultiChoice’ is selected in the attribute structure) value from that list.


In order to create a new Dictionary, click the “Add new value” image307 button, located on the right side, and the creation screen will be displayed.


Now, type the name for your Dictionary e.g., “Computer Types” and then select one of the types available on the ‘Select type…’ dropdown list. In our example, we will choose the “Text” type.

There are more dictionaries types that you can use: “Char”, “Checkbox”, “Date”, “Decimal”, “Email”, “Integer”, “Phone number”, “Text” and “Time”.


Remember that you can create your types under Fields settings > Regexes.


Once you to that, click on the image307 button and you will see that a view has been expanded and you can add the first value for your Dictionary.


By pressing the image307 button you can add as many positions for your values as you want.

Type the name for each value in ‘Value…’ text field and press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard. You can use a image667 button for this as well.

If at any moment, while typing the name, you decide that you want to remove the whole position just press the image503 button.

After you saved the names for the values you can do a couple of things. You can rename the Value by pressing the image326 edit button or delete the Value by pressing the image328 button.


What’s more important is that you can create a ‘Child value’ for each Value. To do that press the image672 button on the right side of Value’s name. A new row will appear right below. You will notice that its position is not equal to the “parent” Value and it is moved a little bit to the right.


Here, as well, you can create as many ‘Child values’ as you want.


Once you’re done you can save your Dictionary by clicking on image454 button to create your new Dictionary.

Every time you have a dictionary with ‘child values’ you can use some additional options to help you display them. Once you’re either in ‘Create new dictionary’ or ‘Edit dictionary’ view you can use the Expand / Collapse buttons.


The first one will show everything, including ‘Child values’, while the second will hide them and you will only see ‘Values’.

If you don’t want to see ‘Child values” of every Value that has them, you can expand and see ‘Child values’ of only one specific Value. Just press the image677 button in order to expand the list or the image678 button to hide it.


Now, let’s go back to the main Dictionary list. Whenever you decide to change anything in any of the dictionaries, just click the image445 button located on the right side (‘Action’ column) of each dictionary on the list.



Regexes = Regular expressions. They are very useful if you want to limit the values stored in a field in a way that only some specific information can be added. For example, if you have an “Integer” attribute then only numbers can be stored, or an “Email” attribute can only store a proper email address account.


By default, MINT Service Desk has some “Regexes” already defined. However, if you like, you can always create new ones.

Click on the “Add new value” image307 button, located on the right side, next to the search field and you will be moved to the “Create New Regex” screen.


Now, just type the “Name” of your regex and the allowed set of “Values”. You can also check the option “Is hidden” if needed. Press the image454 button and the new regex will appear on the list of available ones.

If, on the other hand, you would like to make some changes in already existing Regex, just click the image445 button located on the right side of the main view, in the ‘Action’ column.




In this section, you will all types of notifications that are available in the MINT Service Desk system. Those are system, email, and push. The main view shows the list of 8 pre-defined notification, available to use the moment you start using MINT.


Let’s describe each of them.

New Article: notification will be sent to the user once there is a new message (Article) in the Ticket, for example, a new reply from the Agent or Customer.

New Comment: notification will be sent to the user when there is a new comment/internal message in the Ticket Details communication section. Those can be general internal messages send by the Agent (‘Internal channel’) or small internal messages regarding a particular Article (‘Internal Discussion’).

New Ticket: notification will be sent to the user, whenever there is a new Ticket in a Queue.

Pending reminder: notification will be sent to the user if he earlier set up a ‘Reminder’ inside the Ticket Details view, in the ‘Details’ section.

Queue Change: a notification will be sent to the user when the queue is changed.

SLA Expiration: notification will be sent to the user when time runs out (timer reached 0) for SLA parameter: Response time / Update time / Resolution time, within the Ticket that has SLA/parameters.

SLA Notification: notification will be sent to the user when the SLA Parameter timer (Response / Update / Resolution) reached the Escalation point. The user will know that he has little time before time runs out (timer reaches 0) and he needs to take immediate action.

Ticket closed: a notification will be sent to the user when the ticket is closed.

Remember that the user needs to have the correct rights (given by the admin) for Queues, Tickets Types to receive some of the notifications.

If you like, you can always add some new notifications. To do so click on the image307 button located on the right side of the main view.


Now, in the new view, you can start the configuration of a new notification.


General settings

First, you need to name the notification. It is required and without it, you will not be able to save the notification. You can also put some unique description or customize your notification by setting up a unique color or even an icon.



If you decide to give a notification a unique icon you need to type its name in the ‘Notification icon’ field.


MINT supports icons available in **. Go there, find the desired icon and type its name in the ‘Notification icon’ field in the MINT Service Desk.

After you do that you will see an icon in two places, on the ‘Activities’ part of the Agent and/or Customer sidebar and in the “Ticket Details” view when you click the image554 Notification icon.



There are also two important things you can do. First, you can set the notification status: on (image557) or off (image558). Basically, it means activating/deactivating this notification.


Secondly, you can choose which user will be able to see the list of his notifications and for example turn on/of some them. It was described in Web interface > Basics > Notification section of this guide.



Here you can select one, or more, events for which the user will receive a notification.


For example, if you want to notify the user when any of SLA timers (for Response, Update, Resolution) has run out you should select the following events.



Here you can select some notification filters.


For example, if you want to send notification about a New article (‘Events’ = ‘New article’) to a person assigned to a Ticket (‘Receivers’ = ‘ticket.assignee’) you can leave it that way or put some filters.

If you want this notification to be sent only to one Agent you have to choose him from the ‘ticket assignee’ filter list.


Now, if additionally, you want this notification to be sent only within the Tickets from one particular queue you can choose this queue from the ‘ticket.queue’ filter list.


Remember that you can add multiple values for each filter.


Here you can select the main target recipient of notifications. That can be for example Customer who created the Ticket (‘ticket.customer’), Agent assigned to the ticket (‘ticket.assigne’), people who are subscribing to the Ticket (‘ticket.subscribers), and so on.

When you click on ‘Select receivers…’ field you will see the list of available receivers.


From that list, you can select and add one or more positions.


Last, but not least, you should be aware that when you choose the ‘ticket.customer’ system will apply some restrictions.



The last section of the process of creating a notification requires selecting a channel for which this particular notification will be used.


The next step will be to select the language from the dropdown list that you want to create a notification for.


When you have selected the channel and language, press the image307 button.

MINT Service Desk system offers 3 channels:

  • System – notifications will be sent and visible within the system (‘Activities’ section on the Client/Agent sidebar),

  • Email – notifications will be sent on user email address available in the system,

  • Push – notification that is used specifically for the MINT Service Desk mobile application.


Now you can delete this notfication by clicking image343 button or edit by clicking image445 button.

When you press the edit button, apart from choosing the channel for notification, you can also create a name (‘Title’) and unique template for it (‘Template for:’).


For example, when you’re creating a notification about the SLA clock expiration and inside the ‘Channels’ section you will add the title “SLA Expiration” and as a template, you put for example “Time’s out!” the final result will look like on the screen below.


However, when you leave the ‘Title’ field empty, system will take the ‘Name’ (required field in ‘General setting’ part) and use it as notification title.

While creating a Title and Template you can use special Dynamic Fields. Once a notification is created and by the system, those fields will be replaced with correct data.

To add the Dynamic field, you need to click on the image572 scissors icon next to ‘Title’ or below ‘Template for:’ field.



This section contains all the notifications for assets in the MINT Service Desk system. Those are system, email, and push. The main view shows the list of 3 pre-defined notifications, available to use the moment you start using MINT.


Let’s describe each of them.

  • Asset Alert - This is a notification that involves setting custom fields of the asset type ‘Alert’ and when the time comes the appropriate notification will be sent.

  • Asset Reminder - This is a notification that involves setting a custom field of type “Alert” in the custom asset fields and you can add a time option of how much before the original time you want the reminder to come. When the reminder time arrives, the appropriate notification will be sent.

  • Asset Alert & Reminder - This is a combination of the two notifications written above.

Example: The user sets the date alert to 31/05/2022 at 12:00 p.m. In addition, the user sets the reminder to 1h. This setting will cause the user to get an alert notification at 12:00 and a reminder notification an hour later.

Remember that the user needs to have the correct rights (given by the admin) for Assets to receive some of the notifications.

If you like, you can always add some new notifications. To do so click on the image307 button located on the right side of the main view.


Now, in the new view, you can start the configuration of a new notification.


General settings

First, you need to name the notification. It is required and without it, you will not be able to save the notification. You can also put some unique description or customize your notification by setting up a unique color or even an icon.



If you decide to give a notification a unique icon you need to type its name in the ‘Notification icon’ field.


MINT supports icons available in **. Go there, find the desired icon and type its name in the ‘Notification icon’ field in the MINT Service Desk.

There are also two important things you can do. First, you can set the notification status: on (image557) or off image558). Basically, it means activating/deactivating this notification.


Secondly, you can choose which type of user will be able to see the notification.



Here you can select one, or more, events for which the user will receive a notification.


For example, if you want to set Alert or Remind the user about assets use one of the options from the list (Alert or Reminder).



Here you can select some notification filters for assets.


For example, if you want to send notification (‘Events=’ Alert or Reminder) about an assets to a person assigned to an asset (‘Receivers’ = ‘asset.assigne’) you can leave it that way or put some filters.

However, if you want this notification to be sent only to one particular Agent you have to choose him from the ‘asset.assignee’ filter list.


Now, if additionally, you want this notification to be sent only within the Assets from one particular category you can choose this category from the ‘assets.category’ filter list.


Remember that you can add multiple values for each filter.


Here you can select the main target recipient of notifications. That can be for example user Assigned to asset or Category where the asset is located.

When you click on ‘Select receivers…’ field you will see the list of available receivers.


From that list, you can select and add one or more positions.


The last section of the process of creating a notification requires selecting a channel for which this particular notification will be used.


MINT Service Desk system offers 3 channels:

  • System – notifications will be sent and visible within the system (‘Activities’ section on the Client/Agent sidebar),

  • Email – notifications will be sent on user email address available in the system,

  • Push – notification that is used specifically for the MINT Service Desk mobile application.

Apart from choosing the channel for notification, you can also create a name (‘Title’) and unique template for it (‘Template for:’).


For example, when you’re creating a notification about the Assets reminder and inside the ‘Channels’ section you will add the title “Assets Reminder” and as a template, you put “Asset Reminder” the final result will look like on the screen below.


However, when you leave the ‘Title’ field empty, system will take the ‘Name’ (required field in ‘General setting’ part) and use it as notification title.

While creating a Title and Template you can use special Dynamic Fields. Once a notification is created by the system, those fields will be replaced with correct data.

To add the Dynamic field, you need to click on the image572 scissors icon next to ‘Title’ or below ‘Template for:’ field.



This section contains all the notifications for Contracts in MINT Service Desk - system, email, and push.

If you like to add some new notifications, click on the image307 button located on the right side of the main view. Now you can start the configuration of a new notification


General settings

The first section is similar to that in the Ticket and Asset notifications and is described there.



Here you can select one, or more, events for which the user will receive a notification.


For example, event “End of support” means a notification will be sent to recipients when the contract ends.


Here you can select some notification filters


Let’s describe them here

“Contract time to end of support” - you can set here how long before contract ends the notification will be sent. You can choose “Day”, “Week” or “Month”

“Contract Company” - here you can select the companies that are assigned to the contracts

Contract Contract type - you can limit your contracts report to specific Contract Type

Contract Service - you can filter your report by specific services linked to contracts


This section is similar to that in the Ticket and Asset notifications and is described there.


This section is similar to that in the Ticket and Asset notifications and is described there.


This feature is not available in the free version. To have access to this feature please purchase the Enterprise version.

The Automation section is used to perform actions automatically based on Events or Time Trigger.


In order to start adding a new Automation, you need to click on the image307 button, located on the right side, next to the search field. You will see that a new section has been opened.


You are presented with a choice of either Events or Time Trigger. Both configurations will be described below.


The first section when configuring automation of the Events type is General settings. Here you need to enter the name that the automation will have. You can also enter its signature and check the checkbox that says ‘Is active’ if you want the automation you create to be active at the start. If you don’t check it now, don’t worry, later you can edit the automation and enable it.


The second section is Events where you can configure what action the automation should react to. After clicking the ‘Event types’ dropdown menu there are two options to choose from:

  • ticket

  • article


After selecting one option, another dropdown menu named ‘events‘ will appear. In this section you select what event the automation should respond to. For ticket and article these events are different. The second section is Events where you can configure what action the automation should react to. After clicking the ‘Event types’ dropdown menu there are two options to choose from:


  • Assignee changed

  • New ticket

  • Queue changed

  • Status change

  • Value changed

  • Ticket type change


  • New article

  • New comment

The next section in automation is Filters. This section differs for ticket and article. In this section, we can filter tickets or articles according to our preferences.


for ticket:

  • ticket.assignee - filters by the agents assigned to the ticket.

  • - filters by the company assigned to the ticket.

  • ticket.customer - filters by customer.

  • ticket.queue - filters by the queue in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.service - filters by the service in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.status - filters by the status in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.ticket_type - filters by ticket type in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.attribute_id - filters by the attribute created in custom fields.

  • ticket.first_attribute_dictionary_value - filters by the attribute created in dictionary.

  • ticket.second_attribute_dictionary_value - filters by the attribute created in dictionary.

  • ticket.article_author - filters by article author.


for article:

  • ticket.assignee - filters by the agents assigned to the ticket.

  • - filters by the company assigned to the ticket.

  • ticket.customer - filters by customer.

  • ticket.queue - filters by the queue in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.service - filters by the service in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.status - filters by the status in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.ticket_type - filters by ticket type in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.attribute_id - filters by the custom field.

  • ticket.first_attribute_dictionary_value - filters by dictionary value.

  • ticket.article_author - filters by article author.

The last section when configuring automation is Actions. Here you decide what will happen to the ticket or article when it passes the filter.

To start the configuration you need to press image866 button. Then a dropdown menu will appear from which you can select the option you are interested in and then press image307 button.

Selectable options for event type:

  • Ticket Property Change - This option allows you to automatically change the tickets parameters.

  • Ticket Dynamic Fields Change - This option allows you to automatically change the custom fields in the selected Ticket Type.

  • Ticket Property Change by Dynamic Field value - This option allows you to change ticket properties based on the value of a dynamic field.


Then the whole list of possible options will be displayed.


Of the options available for configuration are:

  • Company

  • Company users

  • Ticket type

    • Status

  • Queue

    • Assignee

  • Priority

Press image454 button to complete the automation setup process.


Unlike Event automation, Time Trigger automation relies on a single date, day of week or period of time. The global setting configuration is identical to the events configuration.

The second section is Time Triggers where you configure when you want the automation to turn on. To start the configuration, you need to press image869 button.

When this button is pressed, a dropdown menu will appear with three possible options:

  • Single date

  • Day of week

  • Period of time

After selecting the appropriate time trigger, press image307 button.When you do this a new field will appear in place of this dropdown menu depending on what you selected in the dropdown menu. Below is an example of a field after selecting Period of time.


The next sections are Based on and Filters, which are related. In Based on, select an option from the dropdown menu (currently there is only a Ticket selection). Then the whole filter configuration will appear.


  • ticket.assignee - filters by the agents assigned to the ticket.

  • - filters by the company assigned to the ticket.

  • ticket.customer - filters by customer.

  • ticket.global_status - filters by the global status.

  • ticket.priority - filters by the priority that was set on the ticket.

  • ticket.queue - filters by the queue in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.service - filters by the service in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.status - filters by the status that was set on the ticket.

  • ticket.ticket_type - filters by ticket type in which the ticket is created.

  • ticket.ticket.modificationDate - filters by modification date, all users are taken into account.

  • ticket.ticket.customer_modificationDate - filters by modification date, all customers are taken into account.

  • ticket.ticket.ticket.agent_modificationDate - filters by modification date, all agents are taken into account.

The last section when configuring automation is Actions. Here you decide what will happen to the ticket when it passes the filter.

To start the configuration you need to press image866 button. Then a dropdown menu will appear from which you can select the option you are interested in and then press image307 button.

Selectable options for event type:

  • Close Tickets - This option allows you to automatically close tickets.

  • Create Ticket - This option allows you to create tickets automatically.


Press image454 button to complete the automation setup process.



The ‘Accounts’ section handles the different communication accounts in the system. Right here you will be able to configure all the email accounts you want to have in the system for incoming and outgoing emails.

All the accounts that have already been configured in the system are displayed on the list.


To add an email account, click the + button located on the right side of the search box.

Now, in the ‘Create account’ view you must fill up the required information: (fields marked with a *).

Now you need to select at least one (or more if you want) ‘Outgoing queues’ – when an Agent writes a message in the Ticket which is in the selected ‘Outgoing queues’, this email account will be used as a ‘Sender’ of this message.

Once you selected ‘Outgoing queues’ you need to choose one ‘Incoming queue’ – it means that when a client creates an email and send it to your email address (which will be specified very soon in this part of the guide) the Ticket will be created only in this chosen ‘Incoming queue’.

Now, in the next view, you will need to select which email you’re using. You can choose:

  • Gmail

  • Yahoo!

  • Microsoft Office 365

  • Other

  • Microsoft Graph Api




Once you do that, fill up the necessary information – it might require some technical knowledge so if you’re having some trouble here please contact your IT admin for some assistance or write to us: **.

Once you finish, click on the image578 button to finish the process and save the new email account.

You will be moved to the list of existing accounts, where you will see a new position with some information about your new email account.

However, if you made any mistake with the email box details (server addresses, protocols, security settings) you might receive the following error message.


Of course, you can click the image578 button and save this account, however, it will not work properly. It that case you need to contact your IT admin and ask for assistance. Until you fix the problem you will also see an additional warning icon image581 on the list (in the ‘Error occurred’ column).


To activate your new account, press the image986 button. If for some reason you want to deactivate it, you can easily do it, using image987 button.

Once you have a working email account added to the system you can use the image583 button in order to manually force the retrieval of messages from this email box.

Those messages will be placed in the ‘Messages’ section (placed in Logs tab) , where you will be able to browse through them.


If you want to edit an already existing email box, or just delete it, use the image445or image343 button, located in the ‘Action’ column of the ‘Accounts’ view.


To connect to an email account using OAuth2, select ‘OAuth2’ in the ‘Authoirization type’ section.

Depending on the previously selected operator, the data will be filled in accordingly (if the ‘Other’ option is selected, the user must enter all the data himself).

The example configuration will be performed on ‘Office 365’.


To begin configuration, the user must register the application. To do this, go to ‘’ and then log in to your account. When the login process is successful, select ‘App registrations’ from the left menu. When the window opens click on ‘New registration’.


In order to configure your application correctly, you must first enter an application name. Then in the ‘Supported account types’ section select ‘Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)’ and in the ‘Redirect URI (optional)’ section select ‘Web’ and paste the Redirect Uri from the email account creation page.

Then you need to press the ‘Register’ button.


Once the button is pressed and the new application is successfully registered, the user will be taken to a summary page where he/she must copy the ‘Application (client) ID’


The copied code, the user must paste into the mint configuration in the ‘Client id’ field.


The next step is to add permissions. To do this, the user must press the ‘API permissions’ option on the sidebar and then select ‘Add a permission’ on this window.


After pressing the button, press the ‘Microsoft Graph’ option.


Select ‘Delegated permissions’ and check these options: - IMAP.AccessAsUser.All - SMTP.Send - offline_access

And then press the ‘Add permissions’ button.


The next step is to go to ‘Certificates & secrets’ which is located on the left sidebar. Then you need to press the ‘New client secret’ button.


Add a description and press the ‘Add’ button.


Remember to enable SMTP Authentication. More information at this link:

The user will be taken to the summary. Remember to copy the ‘Value’ field because when you refresh the page, this field will be hidden.


The copied value should be pasted into the MINT configuration in the ‘Client secret’ field.


To complete the configuration of MINT, select ‘IMAP’ in ‘Receive protocol’ and in the ‘Email address’ field enter the Microsoft Office 365 address from which the configuration was performed.

To complete the configuration process, press the ‘Save’ button. After pressing it the user will be redirected to Outlook login form. If all the information is correct, the system should connect to Microsoft Office 365 via OAuth2.

Please notice, that after saving your settings, the Redirect URL has changed from ‘create’ endpoint to ‘edit’ with specific UUID. It is nesessary to add this additional redirect URL to your settings in Azure portal (or any other portal you are using to configure OAUTH2 connection)

The sample Redirect URL can look like this below:


Note: Keep in mind that some OAuth2 providers only allow you to generate one refresh token per config. Because of this restriction, you may get an error that you cannot connect to the mailbox. In this case, review the documentation of the provider you are using.


After pressing this button, a form will pop up:


First go to Sign in and go to Azure Active Directory services.


Go to “App” and ‘App registration’


The following form will appear.


Now fill up the form:

  • in ‘Name’ field type your preferred name

  • ‘Supported Account Types’: leave it as it is

  • ‘Redirect URL’: Select “Web” option.

Copy Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID


Paste them here:


After the registration go to the API permissions tab

Press the image947 button. Then, from the window that slides out on the right side of the screen, select the “Microsoft Graph” option.


From the two available options, select the one on the right - Application permissions


In the Mail section, select the following options:


To save the rights, press the image950 button.

There is a possibility that you will encounter such a situation:


Domain administrator approval is required to grant permissions (read, write, send). It is recommended that domain administrators narrow Graph application access to only the required email addresses. By default, permissions will be granted to the entire domain (for each email address in the domain).

To configure an application access policy and limit the scope of application permissions:

Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell:

  • To require all PowerShell scripts that you download from the internet are signed by a trusted publisher, run the following command in an elevated Windows PowerShell window (a WindowsPowerShell window you open by selecting Run as administrator)

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

  • Install ‘ExchangeOnlineManagement’ tool for managing the Exchange Online Services

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement


  • Login to the Exchange Online Powershell (a login pop-up will prompt out)

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName {}


Identify the app’s client ID and a mail-enabled security group to restrict the app’s access to. Identify the app’s application (client) ID in the Azure app registration portal. Create a new mail-enabled security group or use an existing one and identify the email address for the group:

  • You must have Microsoft 365 admin permissions to access the Exchange admin center. For more information, see Permissions in Exchange Online.

  • sign in to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 using your work or school account, and then choose the Admin tile.

  • In the Microsoft 365 admin center, choose Admin centers > Exchange.

  • In the EAC, navigate to Recipients > Groups.

  • Click New > Security groups and fill all necessary fields.

Create an application access policy.

  • Run the following command, replacing the AppId, PolicyScopeGroupId, and Description arguments

  • New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId e7e4dbfc-046f-4074-9b3b 2ae8f144f59b -PolicyScopeGroupId -AccessRight RestrictAccess -Description “Restrict this app to members of distribution group EvenUsers.”

Note: Changes to application access policies can take more than 1 hour to take effect in Microsoft Graph REST API calls.

Then go to the Certificates & secrets section.

Once you are in this section press the image953 button.

In the box that slides out on the left in the Description field, enter what value you once can easily find. In the Expires field, leave the default value (6 months) or change it to whatever you think.


To approve the operation press the image955 button.

After saving, copy Value.


Client secret values cannot be viewed, except for immediately after creation. Be sure to save the secret when created before leaving the page.

Paste the copied value into MINT in the Client secret section


The configuration should look similar to this:


To save the mailbox configuration press the image578 button.


The main purpose of this section is to allow you to create a list of emails, from which you will not be receiving any messages. Those email addresses will be blocked.


Adding a new address to the list is very simple. Just click the + button located on the right side of the main view.


After you do that small pop-up window will appear asking you to type the address to be blocked.


Type the address and click ‘Create’. You will see a new position with this address on the general list.


In this section, you can create as many filters for incoming messages as you need. They are needed to filter the incoming email text and e.g., create Tickets (from incoming email) in the right queue or to assign those Tickets a correct Ticket Type, once the specified conditions had been fulfilled.


To create a new message filter, click the image307 button located on the right side, next to the search field. You will be moved to the ‘Create filter’ form.


First, select the “Message Element” – it is the part of the email you want to filter. You can choose between ‘Body’, ‘Subject’, From’, ‘To’ and ‘Received mailbox account’.


Now, choose one ‘Operation type’ – it includes options to get the match and fit of your filters like: “Contains”, “StartsWith”, “EndsWith”, “IsEqual” and “MatchPattern”.


For each of the criteria, you can select the ‘Match case’ check-box. It is related to the ‘Stop after match’ option mentioned before.

Finally, “Element Value” is the field where you must put which value exactly you want to match. You can type anything you want here.


If you want to add additional criteria you can use the image594 button located in the bottom right corner. If you want to delete any, just use the image595 button.


Below this panel is a panel that responds to what should happen to the submission after matching. Right here you need to name your filter (‘Name’). You can select the ‘Queue’ in which a Ticket will be created (from the email message sent). You can also specify the ‘Ticket type’ which will be added to the created Ticket (from the email message). Other fields that can be configured are: ‘Status’, ‘Assignee’, ‘Priority’, ‘Service’. Configuring these fields will set the wanted fields after matching.

Next, you can select the check-box ‘Stop after match’. Check it if you want to match one (or more) of the criteria you are creating (those with additional ‘Match case’ check-box selected by you). If you want to match all the criteria, leave this option unchecked.

Once you finish click the image454 button in order to save your new message filter.

The following screen shows a new filter ready to be saved.


As a name we typed ‘Subject filter’, we also selected a ‘Poland - support’ queue and chose ‘Problem Ticket type.

We have two cases here:

  • First one means that when an email subject contains the word “Help” a new Ticket will be created in ‘Poland - support’ queue and receive a ‘Problem’ Ticket Type


  • Second one means that when an email subject starts from the “Support” word a new Ticket will be created in ‘Poland - support’ queue and receive a ‘Problem’ Ticket Type.


The first criteria have also a ‘Match case’ check-box selected. Because we also selected ‘Stop after match’ it means that when the email Subject contains “Help” the second criteria (Starts with “Support”) won’t need to be fulfilled to allow the filter to create a new ticket in the selected queue and with selected ticket type.

Remember that after creating a new message filter you can always either change anything inside (image445 button) or even delete it from the system (image343 button).



In this section of the system, you can build the structure for Knowledge Base categories that later will be used while creating new Knowledge Base topics or changing the localization of already existing ones.


In the Knowledge Base section (available for Agent and Client on their sidebars) user will find the list of topics along with questions (and their answers) related to them.

If you want to add a new category, simply click on the image637 button and a new empty field will appear.


Type the name for the category and either click the image667 button or confirm the name by pressing ‘Enter’ on your keyboard.


Once a new category has been created, you can do several things with it.

The first one is that you can add a sub-category by clicking the image307 button and adding a sub-category in the same way as you did it with the main one.

Each category that also has sub-categories will be displayed by default with those sub-queues hidden. To see them, you must expand the queue by clicking on image324 button. Then you will see the queue along with its sub-queues just like on the following screen.


If you want to change the name of any category just click the image326 button, change the name, and hit ‘Enter’ or click the image321 button.

In order to delete a category, click on the image328 button, and in the new window click ‘Yes’.


Remember that you can always change the position of each category and sub-category in the structure. To do that just click the image330 button next to the position you want to move. Now, while holding the Left Mouse Button just drag and drop this position to the plane you want it to be. Releasing the Left Mouse button will put this position in the newly chosen place.


This is the place, where all of the surveys in the system are managed. Right here, you will find the list of all your surveys and see the results of each one.


If you want to create a new survey, you need to click on image307 button, located on the right side of the search box.


Once you do that you will be moved to the ‘Survey Configuration’ form, where you need to put in some information: ‘Name’ and ‘description’ of your survey, ‘form type’, ‘question’ and two answers.


Once you finish, click on the image578 button to create a new survey.

Now, with a newly created survey, as well as any other, you can do a couple of things. First, you can ’Deactivate’ the survey. Deactivating means that the survey will be locked and not available to use.



Second, if you want to see results of the survey, you need to click on image759 button, located next to ’Deactivate’ button.


In this view you can see ‘Creation date’, ‘Submittion date’, ‘Ticket’. But there is no section with the answers given. To see them you need to click image441 then choose the question you want to see.


Now you can see answers.




In this section, you can see the whole activity from your email boxes. This means that the messages downloaded from there will be displayed in this part of the system.


Like it was mentioned before (in Email > Accounts) those messages can be force downloaded by using the image583 located in that part of the system. By default, messages are downloaded once every minute.

The one thing you can do with those messages while being in a ‘Messages’ section is that you can use the image607 button located in the ‘Action’ column of each message.


Using this button will force the system to once again try to process the message and create a Ticket from it.

Basically, the ‘Reparse’ is used in case there are any problems with downloaded messages. One of those problems can be when a system downloaded the message and put it in the ‘Messages’ sections, but a new Ticket has not been created.

Those errors, as well as other activities like when a message was sent to a ticket, can be seen in this part of the system.


This is a very important section that is used by the administrator of the MINT Service Desk. It’s very useful because it gives you all of the information and activity details required to track any issue. All of the activities are saved in log files. In order to track issues or check the activity, you can look for them in this section.

Once you go to the “Logs” you will see that the default view is divided into many different sections representing different entities from the system. Thanks to that information are not mixed, and it will be easier for you to analyze them.


The logs are divided into 25 different sections:

  • ‘Application environment’,

  • ‘Assets’,

  • ‘Authorization’,

  • ‘Automation’,

  • ‘Dictionaries’,

  • ‘Drafts’,

  • ‘E-mail communication’,

  • ‘Entity extensions’,

  • ‘External Integrations’,

  • ‘Knowledge Base’,

  • ‘Notifications’,

  • ‘PDF Generator’,

  • ‘Queues’,

  • ‘Reports’,

  • ‘Repository’,

  • ‘Services’,

  • ‘SLA Escalation’,

  • ‘Surveys’,

  • ‘System Management’,

  • ‘System Tools’,

  • ‘Tickets’,

  • ‘Time Tracker’,

  • ‘Translations’,

  • ‘Users’.

Each of them, of course, includes the logs from that section or group from Mint Service Desk. For example, if you want to look for any errors within your tickets you have to check ‘Tickets’ or if you want to check if everything is ok with your assets activity use ‘Asset’” and so on.

On the right bottom corner of each, you can easily check if everything is okay or if there are any problems. You will see either the image720 or image721 icon. The first one means that everything is in order, while the second one tells you that there is a particular number of problems here.


Now, if you click on the image723 icon the section will expand, and you will see the list of those errors.


In order to see the details of an error/exception, you need to click on the image725 icon located on the right side of each position on the list.


If you click on the image727 icon the section will expand, and you will see default options allowing you to browse through logs.



Click on the section you want to check. From the available searching fields select the time period you want to look for by setting “Date from” and “Date to”.


Now choose the ‘Level’ of logs you are looking for. You can choose between “Verbose”, “Debug”, “Information”, “Warning”, “Error” and “Fatal”.


If you are looking for something in specific you can type in a single word or text in the ‘Search for log…’ field.


The results will be displayed down below.


If you want, you can save the results. At the bottom part of the result list, you will find the ‘Download’ button. Mint Service Desk will always save them in a .ZIP file format.


Click on ‘Download’ and you will see a list of logs divided into single days. For example, ‘log20200918’ means that those are logs from 18.09.2020.


Click on the one you want to download, choose the desired place to save the file in your system file explorer, and click ‘Save’. Once a file is saved you just need to extract the .zip file and you will have the logs in a form of a text document.


This section of the system is used to monitor services.


The available monitoring services are:

  • ‘Assets’,

  • ‘Auth’,

  • ‘Automation’,

  • ‘Dictionaries’,

  • ‘Drafts’,

  • ‘Entity extensions’,

  • ‘SLA Escalation’,

  • ‘External Integrations’,

  • ‘Gateway’,

  • ‘Knowledge Base’,

  • ‘Mailing’,

  • ‘Notifications’,

  • ‘PDF Generator’,

  • ‘Queues’,

  • ‘Reports’,

  • ‘Repository’,

  • ‘Services’,

  • ‘Surveys’,

  • ‘System Management’,

  • ‘System Tools’,

  • ‘Tickets’,

  • ‘Time Tracker’,

  • ‘Translations’,

  • ‘Users’.

When you press one of the services in the first place, it appears:

  • Type

  • Name

  • Description

Below these fields is a search engine so that you can search for information. Next to this is a field for selecting a scope. Depending on the service there are different scopes but all possible options are:

  • Common

  • Database

  • Logger

  • Plugin

  • RabbitMQ

Below the range is a table of searches.



This feature is not available in the free version. To have access to this feature please purchase the Enterprise version.

In this section you can configure your OpenID Providers and LDAP.


First go to Sign in and go to Azure Active Directory services.


Go to “App” and ‘App registration’


The following form will appear.


Now fill up the form:

  • in ‘Name’ field type your preferred name

  • ‘Supported Account Types’: leave it as it is

  • ‘Redirect URL’: fill it with https://{your.mintsd.domain}/external/signin-{your-scheme}

    • Replace {your.mintsd.domain} with your domain name

    • Replace {your.scheme} with schema name which will be needed later on

  • After the registration go to the Authentication tab

In ‘Implicit Grant’ section check ID tokens


Go to Token Configuration tab.

Click on Add optional claim.

Check ID token type and email, given_name, family_name claims.


Go to Certificates & secrets tab.

Add new client secret by clicking on New Client secret.

Remember to copy client secret afterwards by clicking on copy button.


In the Authentication Backends section go to OpenID Providers click on image307 button, the following form will appear.


Now fill up the form:

  • value from Name will appear on Login screen

  • in Scheme field type value from one of the previous steps ({your.scheme})

  • in Type field select AzureAd

  • in Client secret field paste the value from previous step (‘Cerificates & secrets’ tab)

  • in Client id field paste the value from registered app overview


  • in Tenant Id filed paste the value from registered app overview


Go once again into Azure portal. For some time there is a need to add additional permissions under API permissions section.

  • click on Add a permission

  • select Microsoft Graph


  • select Delegated permission and check email and profile


In case of a need to configure group mapping, go once again into Azure portal and under Token configuration click on Add groups claim. Now select all check-boxes and click on Add.



Here you can set the admin notifications that will be visible at the top of the page.


If you want to create a new notice, you need to click on image307 button, located on the right side of the search box.


Once you do that you will be moved to the ‘Create Notice’ form, where you need to put in some information of your notice.


Fill the information on this page:

  • Title: Enter the title of the notification to be displayed at the top of the page.

  • Active: Decide if the notification should be active or not.

  • Content: The message that will be displayed when the notification is expanded.

  • Recivers: Choose who you want this notification to go to. Currently, you can choose from three options: Customer, Agent and Admin.

  • Companies: Select for which companies the notification should be displayed.

  • Valid from: The date and time from when the notification will be effective.

  • Valid to: The date and time until which the notification will be effective.

  • Sensitivity Choose from three possible options: Info = Blue, Warning = Yellow and Danger = Red.

  • Display mode Select how the notification should be displayed.

Example of admin notification setup.






File Repository is a place for the orderly storage of “MINT” application documents. Each user level has different options for dealing with files from the repository. The administrator can create “Buckets” - containers that store files, upload, download, delete files and configure servers where files will be stored. Agent can pin files from “Buckets” to selected tickets and download files. The customer can only download files if they are assigned to a given ticket. Here we will deal with the description of the administrator profile.


First step to start using file repository is server configuration. To do this, we need to go to the “File repository” tab in sidebar and click on “Server configuration” after expanding it.


Next we see page where all servers for the file repository are configured. The page also has a search engine, a filter, and image307 icon that allows us to add a new server to the file repository.


When we click image307 button, the Server Configuration page appear


Let’s describe fields on page:

  • Name – we can set our server name here

  • Description – for description of our server

  • Adress – server adress field

  • Use HTTP – checkbox to use http protocol to connect

  • Access key – required to set up connection

  • Secret key – secret to our server

  • Region – to set the region

Most of these fields are required, as it was marked on screen above.

After adding the server, two buttons appear: image445 - to make changes to the existing server and image343 - to remove an unnecessary server.


Bucket management is placed in „Buckets” section in File Repository


Here we can see our previously created buckets


To create a new bucket, we need to click on the button. Then, a modal will appear on the screen with three fields to fill in:


Let’s describe fields on page:

  • Title – to name our bucket

  • Description - here you can enter information about our bucket

  • Configuration - to choose the previously configured server

After filling all fields and clicking image578 button, a bucket appears. We can always edit bucket (by clicking on the image1048 icon) or delete (by clicking on the image343 icon). To enter the bucket, you just need to click on it.


After entering our created bucket we can see image1049 and image1050 buttons, used to expand or collapse the folder tree. Additionally, we have buttons like “Add Folder” image1051 and “Add File” image1052.


When we click on image1051, a modal will appear with a text field where we can enter the name.


The added folder it will appear slightly below the button. In this folder we have the same buttons as above (Add folder and file) and an additional red “Delete folder”.


When you click on the “Add file” icon, a modal appear with upload button that allows you to upload selected files from the target device.


We can save several files at once. After uploading the files and clicking image578 the modal disappear by itself and the file appear in the folder. There is information that file uploaded succesfully


After adding a file to bucket, we will see the given format (for example .jpg), size (for example 338.6 kB) and a red minus to remove the file.



To remove file from bucket, we simply click on red minus on the right from file name. There is a toast to confirm operation


Accepting this operation will remove file permamently

To remove folder from Bucket, we simply click on image1060 button placed on the right from folder name. The modal with confirmation will appear


Accepting this operation will remove folder and all contained files permamently

To remove Bucket from server, we click on image1062 button in right upper corner of Bucket. The modal with confirmation will appear


Accepting this operation will remove Bucket, with all contained folders and files permamently


Any file uploaded to the file repository can be downloaded by the administrator. To download file we just need to click on pinned file. Whole downloading process is similar as in Agent’s profile and is described there.


The Customer Portal module is designed to facilitate customer interaction by allowing them to quickly create requests using predefined templates set up by administrators. Enabling and disabling visibility of this module for Customer is described in SETTINGS chapter of Admin Portal documentation.

Administration module of this feature is placed in bottom of the sidebar and has two sections:

The administration module of the Customer Portal feature can be accessed via the sidebar and consists of two main sections:


In the Containers section, administrators can assign and group customer requests or cases. This feature enables better organization and categorization of cases effectively.


In the Cases section, administrators have the ability to create templates for future customer tickets or requests. These templates include predefined information, forms, and fields that streamline the request submission process for customers. By creating these templates, administrators ensure consistency and accuracy in the requests they receive, enhancing overall customer support.


Clicking on this section will show us view like below


In the top right of the screen we have:

“Search” Field

“Add Container” button - after click we are going to the Create Container window

“Set Column Properties” - we can set here column visibility and search field parameteres

In the center part of the screen we have the list of Containers that we created previously. We can edit them with image445 button and delete with image343 button

Let’s describe Create Container window


At the top of the window, you’ll find a “Title” field and an optional “Description” field. Below that, there is a “Initially open” checkbox, which you can select if you want the container to open automatically in the Customer view.

To set an icon or image for the container, click on the “Icon/Image” button. If you opt for “Icon,” an additional field will appear:


We can use icons available from by selecting “Free” in the filters. To correctly specify the format in the Container field, use the following format: “fa-solid fa-user”. After entering this information, our chosen icon should appear in the “Icon Preview” section on the right side of the window.


If you choose to use a picture for the container, an additional field will appear:


Clicking the “Upload image” button will open a “Choose file” window. We recommend using the 75px x 75px size format. The uploaded picture will be displayed in the “Image preview” section on the right side of the Container window.

The last field is “Case list.” Here, you can either assign cases now or do so later by editing the container.



In this section, we create templates for cases. Upon entering this section, you’ll encounter a view that resembles the one found in the Containers section, with similar buttons and a “Search field” located in the upper right corner.


We can edit and delete each case by image445 and image343 buttons

Let’s click on image307 button to open Create Case window


At the top of the window, you’ll find a “Title” field and an optional “Description” field. Below that, there is an “Initially open” checkbox, which you can select if you want the case to open by default in the Customer view.

To set an icon or image for the case, click on the “Icon/Image” button. If you choose “Icon,” an additional field will appear:


If you choose to use a picture for the case, an additional field will appear:


As described in the Container section, you can add icons and pictures.

The next field is “Choose container,” where you can associate your case with a specific container.


Another field is “Choose field parameter.” In this section, you can select additional parameters for the case template, such as Service and Priority. To add each parameter, follow these steps:

  • Choose the parameter from the dropdown labeled “Choose filter parameters.”

  • Afterward, click on the image307 button located on the right


Next, you’ll find “Ticket type” and “Queue” fields that you can configure.

The last section to complete is labeled “Can view”.


In this section, you can configure visibility settings for either all customers or specific Company customer roles. Selecting the second option enables you to assign custom Companies and Roles.


At the bottom of the page, you’ll find a “Preview” window. Here, you can preview how your case will be displayed in the Customer Portal for Customer role.


The final step is clicking on the image578 button located in the bottom right part of the window. Upon clicking, the case will be saved, and you will be directed to the Case list.


The rest part of the Customer Portal functionality has beed described in Customer section in this documentation.



In this place of the system, you will find some subsections with configuration parameters you can adjust. There are five sections: ‘Files’ (default place after you go to Settings > General), ‘Templates’, ‘Logo’, ‘Global settings’, ‘Tickets’ and ‘Time Tracking’.



This is the default view once you go to the ‘General’ part of the ‘Settings’ section. Here you can change the sizes and limits for Avatar, Logo and Attachments. Limits are specified in megabytes (MB), except limit for asset attachent specified in numbers.


Max. avatar size (MB): the maximum size of an Avatar user can upload to profile information in the ‘User profile’ part of the account. Can be set from 1 to 5 MB.

Max. logo size (MB): the maximum size of a logo (both: sidebar and login page) you can upload in the ‘Logo’ section of the ‘General’ part of the ‘Settings’ section. Can be set from 1 to 5 MB.

Max. asset attachment size (MB): the maximum size of each attachment that can be added to an asset. Can be set from 1 to 30 MB.

Limit for asset attachments: you can define the number of possible attachments that can be added to each asset in your Mint Service Desk system. You can set it up from 1 to 5.

Max. dynamic field attachment size (MB): the maximum size of each attachment that can be added to dynamic field. Can be set from 1 to 30 MB.

Default dynamic field attachment file extensions: A list of all extensions that can be used in the attachments. For example: pdf, doc, docx, odt, rtf, txt, etc.

Max. email attachment size (MB): the maximum size of each e-mail attachment that can be downloaded to MINT from external e-mail message in ticket details. Can be set from 1 to 50 MB.

Allowed extensions of files uploaded to MINT: List of all allowed file extensions uploaded to MINT.


In this place, you can select templates for email messages that are sent by the system. Those are: ‘Email confirmation’ and‘ Reset password’.


At the very beginning of this guide, in the ‘Basics’ part, you already selected a template for the email confirmation.

Always remember that before selecting a new template here, first you need to create some components, then create a template (with those components). It was already described in Channels > Components and Templates parts of this guide.

Once you save a new template it will be available to choose from the dropdown lists.

You can set 3 types of email message templates.

Email confirmation: right here you can select a template which will be used for the email sent to a user, right after he signed up to the Mint Service Desk, to confirm a new account.

Reset password: this template will be used for the email which will be sent to a user once he chose the option ‘Forgot my password’ on the login screen.

Two-Factor authentication: in this setting you can choose the temlate that is used in verification code email message in Two-Factor autorization method


In this place you can change some global settings such as: time zone, default language, tickets and articles preview options.


Time Zone: the default time zone for the system.

Default language: the default language for system users.

Show preview: it allows you to choose if users, by default, should have the preview of tickets and articles enabled (checked box) or not (empty box).

Browser Tab Title: allows you to specify what will be displayed in the Tab Title


This section contains information about the modules that are locked in the free version. When you see image873 means that you have access to this module.

Currently available modules are:

  • Access to Automation module

  • Access to reports

  • Access to grouped reports

  • Access to Time Tracking module

  • Api Access

  • Access to ticket conditional attributes

  • Access to Customer Portal

  • Acces to File Repository

  • Acces to search engine

  • Access to identity providers

When the module has been purchased and there is still a blank field instead of checkmark, press image874 button to refresh the feature flags.

When you want to upgrade your version to Enterprise, press image875 button.


In this place you can choose some additional settings for Tickets, for example set up the maximum size for Ticket attachment.


Max. article attachment size (MB): it allows you to set the maximum size of an attachment in megabytes.

Extend ticket type color to ticket number: it allows you to extend the color to the ticket number. The effect of this setting can be seen on the dashboard. It is worth remembering that the ticket number will take the color that we set in Tickets / Custom fields / Tickets structure.

Auto reassigne on reply: This option allows you to determine whether a new agent should be assigned to a ticket after a response.

Extend filter client by email adress This option is connected with Company user filter on agent and customer dashboard. Enabling this option allows you to search Company user by Name, Surname and/or email adress. Disabling it causes, that you can search only by Name and Surname

Show default ticket creation properties panel for agent This option can enable or hide default ticket creation properties panel in Agent profile, where each Agent can set personal default properties when creating new ticket

Show default ticket creation properties panel for customer This option can enable or hide default ticket creation properties panel in Customer profile, where each Customer can set personal default properties when creating new ticket

Enable search engine This option allows you to enable improved searching in filters on dashboard (available in Mint Enterprise version)

Enable merge tickets This option allows you to enable Merge Tickets in Ticket Details in Agent role

Queues sorting: This option allows you to choose whether you want to sort the queues or By ordering in admin panel.

Priority sorting: This option allows you to choose whether you want to sort priorities alphabetically or By ordering in admin panel.

Assets relation: This option allows you to establish relationships to assets. You can choose from one-to-many or many-to-many.

Default answer: In this option there is a choice of two options “None” and “Reply all”. Selecting “Reply all” means that when you enter a ticket, the system will behave as if you pressed the “Reply all” button on the last article.

Selection default ticket creation type for users: This option has two choices “None” and “Enable for agents”. Selecting the first option will cause the agent to rely on the default settings and selecting the second option will appear in a new field in the agent’s profile:


In the Ticket form configuration section you can configure what things will be displayed when creating a ticket.


User type is about specifying who this configuration should go to: To a Customer or an Agent. You can choose which values should be visible on ticket creation and which should be visible on ticket details. Some of these settings have only one option to set.

Below are the values possible to configure (can be different for agent and for customer):

  • Assets

  • Tickets relation

  • Customer portal (channel in ticket details)

  • Queue

  • Priority

  • Company

  • Company user

  • Ticket type

  • Service

  • Contract

  • E-mail tickets

Checking the E-mail tickets option will add an additional tab when creating a ticket:


Pressing this option will change the Assign company user tab to E-mail recipients with two fields, TO and CC, in which you need to enter the e-mail addresses to which you want to send the ticket.


  • Default ticket creation type

The selection under Default ticket creation type indicates which channel should be the default when creating a ticket.

You can choose some of the values are required or not (for example Assets, Priority)

If you uncheck Queue and Ticket type on ticket creation, you will have available ‘Default value’ column to choose default value for them.

In the Ticket search default settings section, you can configure default settings to search for tickets.


Four values are possible to configure:

  • Page size: Allows you to determine how many submissions should be on the site.

  • Enable filtering ticket with SLA times: Allows filtering of tickets with SLA time.

  • Visible columns: This setting allows you to determine which columns should be visible on the dashboard.

  • Searchable columns: This setting allows you to determine which columns should be searchable by default on the dashboard.

Section My Tickets you can enable or disable “My Tickets” feature in Agent and Customer


In the Signature section, you can configure signature settings.


Two values are possible to configure:

  • Signatures Policy

    • Only System signatures - This option only allows system signatures, which are selected in the “System Signatures” option.

    • Only Queue signatures - This option allows you to select the signatures that have been assigned to given queues.

    • System na Queue - This option is a combination of Only System signatures and Only Queue signatures.

    • All types of signatures - This option allows you to select all signatures in the system.

  • System Signatures - Here you assign what signatures will be referred to as system signatures.

In the Ticket autoresponse section, you can configure autoresponse for a ticket.


  • Channel type - You choose which channel you want the autoresponse to go through.

    • Internal

    • Email

  • Autoresponder policy - You select the policy for the autoresponser, that is, whether the autoresponser should be selected by queue or by admin selection.

    • Selected by queue

    • Set on admin settings

      • Autoresponder MailBox


This feature is not available in the free version. To have access to this feature please purchase the Enterprise version.

I this place you can edit some options for the time tracker like:

  • choosing ‘spent time type’,

  • ‘disable estimation’

  • ‘disable spend time’


Spend time type: it allows you to change the type of time spent. You can add such types in Fields settings -> Dictionaries

Disable estimation: it allows you to disable or enable the estimation visible in the ticket preview

Disable spend time: it allows you to disable or enable the spent time visible in the ticket preview


In this place you can edit option about Users.


Company user section:

  • Can edit E-mail - Enabling this option will allow the user to edit their E-Mail address.

User Validation Patterns section:

  • Regex - First name - Here you select the regex for the first name field

  • Regex - Second name - Here you select the regex for the second name field

  • Regex - Last name - Here you select the regex for the last name field

  • Regex - Phone number - Here you select the regex for the phone number field

Password policy settings - Here you can set requirements for passwords created and changed by all users, including Admin.

  • Password policy enabled - This option is always enabled and cannot be modified

  • Require password change - Here you can set, if user is forced by system to change current password everytime Admin updates Password policy settings

  • Minimum password lenght - Here you can set passwort lenght from 6 to 30 characters

  • Require at least one lower case letter - Here you can set requirement to use at least one lower letter in password

  • Require at least one upper case letter - Here you can set requirement to use at least one upper letter in password

  • Require at least one digit - Here you can set requirement to use at least one digit in password

  • Require at least one special character - Here you can set requirement to use at least one special character in password

Two-Factor Authentication section:

  • Two-Factor Authentication type - Here whether to have two-step authorization or not. At this time, only the email option is available.

Login settings section:

  • Show forgot password button - Unchecking this checkbox will remove the “Forgot my password” option from the login screen.

  • Show sign up button - Unchecking this checkbox will remove the “Sign up” option from the login screen.

This is what the login screen looks like after unchecking both checkboxes:


Privacy settings - Here you can enable or disable functionality to anonymize user data in user profile


In this place you can edit option about Assets.


In the QR Codes section you can edit what information should be included in the QR Code printout.

If you don’t need the QR code in assets then you can disable it by disabling Hide QR codes checkbox

Assets menu section:

  • User type: Here you choose who you want the setting to refer to. You can choose between agent and customer.

  • Show assets in sidebar menu: Here you choose whether the asset should be visible on the sidebar.


This feature is not available in the free version. To have access to this feature please purchase the Enterprise version.

In this section, you can view, create, edit, or delete all the API Clients for Mint Service Desk.


To create a new API client, click on the image307 button located on the right side, next to the search field. You will be moved to the ‘API’ view where you need to fill some necessary data.


Enter the following required information:

  • ‘Client id’ – API Client identifier,

  • ‘Client name’ – API Client name.

You also need to choose the desired scopes (‘Allowed scopes’). Those scopes specify the set of endpoints to which the API Client will also have access to.


In the Mint Service Desk, you have three available scopes to choose from:

  • ‘mint_api.assets’ – gives access to edition and viewing the MINT Service Desk assets

  • ‘’ – gives a possibility to view information about tickets, add comments and make other changes

  • ‘mint_api.user_restricted (Require user)’ – adds additional possibilities to the scopes mentioned above. It unblocks, among others, creating tickets and adding new articles

If you select ‘mint api.assets’ and/or ‘mint api tickets’ you will be able to save the new API Client. To do so just click the image454 button.


To create a query you first need to prepare a client. To do this, press image307 button.

The client allows you to log in in a machine to machine fashion. That is, using client_id and client_secret we are able to log into MINT and execute any query.


  • Client id (Remember not to use spaces between words but use e.g.‘_’)

  • Client name

  • Allowed scopes (We will focus on two scopes: mint.api_assets and

Scope is the space to which integrators have access via a token that will be generated.

After adding the scopes and pressing image454 button, a Client secret is generated which needs to be copied and saved. Remember that when the secret is generated again, the secret will no longer be valid.


I will use Postman to get the token. To get started, turn on the program and add a new connection. From the available options, select the POST method. And in place of address, type the address to your mint and add ‘/connect/token’ (in my case it will be ‘’)

Now you need to configure four fields:

  • grant_type - here add your client_credencials

  • client_id - here, use the client_id you provided during API configuration.

  • client_secret - here use the client_id that I got after configuring the API.

  • scope - here, use the scopes you specified when configuring the API.

Remember to do this in ‘x-www-form-urlencoded’.


Now press the ‘Send’ button to receive the token.


Copy the token received and you can test it on your_address_to_mint/swagger/index.html

To start testing first press image882 button. In the field that appears, type ‘Bearer your_token’


Then press image882 button again.


Now you can test if the token works. Go below to the ‘Tickets’ section and select ‘/api/Tickets/{ticketId}’. You will see the example that will be returned after testing. Press image885 button. Fill in the ‘ticketid’ field by typing the id of the ticket you want to preview. Then press image886 button.

You don’t have to test it on swagger. You can do the same in Postman by selecting the GET method and typing ‘page_address/api/Tickets/{ticketId}’ Example:{ticketId}.


While creating an API Client you can select the third ‘Allowed scope’: ‘mint_api.user_restricted (Require user)’ from the list of available scopes.


If you do that you will have to create a Bot user. Bot account is a type of account on behalf of which requests that require a user are sent.

The moment you select the abovementioned scope a new part of API view ‘Create bot user’ will be loaded.


Now, you need to type ‘Email’ (the correct email address), ‘First name’ and ‘Surname’. Once you finish, click on the image454 button. You will see an additional window ‘One-time secret’.


By default, the ‘Secret’ is hidden. To see its content, you need to click on the image707 icon. Now write down, remember, or copy the ‘Secret’. You also can click the image708 icon to copy the secret to your clipboard and paste it e.g., to some text editor.


A secret is basically a key registered for the calling web service.

Once you saved this secret just click image710 button and API Client (with Bot user) will be created.

After creating a new API Client, you can always either change anything inside it (image445 button) or even delete it from the system (image343 button).


When you decide to edit the content of API Client you will see that on the right side there is a new section called ‘Secrets’. Right here you will see the list of ‘Secrets’.


Here, you can generate a new secret. Simply click the image715 button and copy/write down/memorize the secret just like you did when you were creating a Bot user.


You can also delete any of them by moving the mouse cursor over one desired position. A new image717 button will appear. Just click on it and the secret will be deleted.
